
Water sound behind wall?

by  |  earlier

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Ok in my house today i noticed for the first time ever there is a sound of water running behind the wall upstairs of my house , there were no appliances or anything running so i think this is verry bad

I have shut off all the water to my house from the main line and i still am hearing it, the house is on a concrete slab there is no crawlspace or basement but yet downstairs im not seeing any visible sign of water from upstairs ,

PS. the room the noise is coming from is not near any water lines i could imagine , it's a bedroom about 20 feet from the nearest bathroom and there are no water connections in that room

Any help please!!!?




  1. Check your water heater.You stated that the noise is upstairs.If the water heater is in the attic it could have a leak or the pop off valve could be open.You would not see water because they put a pan under the heater that runs to a drain..Just a thought.

  2. that is just probably the sound of water running through pipes to get throughout your house as long as there is no sign of moisture ur ok

  3. If there was water leaking, you should have seen it without a crawl space, check the floors around the wall. If it just sounds like water flowing, its probably just a drain line, if its a spraying sound, you got a leak. Call a plumber if you are really paranoid, water damage cleanup is very expensive.

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