
Ways to beat the blues?

by  |  earlier

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I've got a bad case of depression today, meds aren't doing much. :/ Just wanted some advice on what to do so I don't spend the whole day in bed. Don't suggest outside stuff cos I live in the bad side of town, don't have a car, and the nearest bus stop is six blocks away. :P And all my friends are busy, I tried that. I've got some booze in the fridge but I don't want to have to resort to that!




  1. Get up and move around, do some push ups or sit ups. Read watch tv or listen to music. Anything to get your mind off the depresion. Think happy thoughts.

  2. There is an online audio or text Bible.  Choose chapter and verse.

    Listen and it will lift your spirits up.

  3. If the depression has been occurring for 2-3 weeks at a time, you are right in seeing a psychiatrist.  I hope that is who is prescribing your medication.

    Talk to your doctor right away.  Different psych meds work differently on various people.  

    It took me a few years to get the right combination.  I always after serious discussions with my doctor, asking questions and making comments when something didn't seem right or when something didn't sound right.  I now have a very good combination.  I have even been able to be taken of of some.

    Are you in counseling?  Counseling always helps whether you are taking meds or not.  Meds can do only so much.  Meds help to balance the chemistry in the brain.  Counseling is needed to undo any "wacky" thinking that may be contributing to a person's problems.  "Wacky thinking"?  Well, that's at least what my counselor calls.  Counseling has really help me to untangle my thoughts.

    You may not be a religious person but my deep and abiding faith in God has really put me over the top.  My counselor using my beliefs and convictions to supplement my talk-therapy.

    I am bipolar.  I am in my fifties.  I left things go a long time, not listening to my doctors nor sticking to the plans that they would give me.  I am now on the road to recovery.  I am now enjoying what life has in store for me.

    God bless. Go with the grace of God.

  4. Walk the six blocks to a bus stop, and wear your brightest comfy clothes. Get off the bus in a woody area or a tree filled park. Make sure it's a really sunny day. Take a walk in the woods, and stray off the beaten path. Sit on a moss-covered rock or a log near a puddle or a stream or a pond. Sit and listen to the sounds of nature. if possible, bring Hershey's Dark Chocolate. Eat it there. Spend an hour breathing calmly and thinking about things you love. Walk back slowly.

    Then, when you get home, you can get a puppy to take your mind off things.

  5. Hi, Im sorry to hear you're having a bad day. You're right, you really shouldnt resort to alcohol. If you're feeling down and like the medication isnt working, then alcohol will only make this worst not only for today but probably tomorrow too.

    You say you dont want to go out and I know its hard because I suffer from depression too, but it really is a cycle-the less you do, the more you feel down, so you do even less! Even going for a short walk around your block is better than nothing and you might be suprised how good it may make you feel.

    If you really dont feel able to, try reading a good book if you have one, listening to some cheerful music, writing down how you feel or a story. You could also look up excercises online that you can do online-it will help you feel mentally better.

    Good luck and hope things imrove.

  6. oh when i have really bad days i always make myself well atleast try to make myself get air, but as you said bad side of town. maybe dance around lol, i do that sometimes people used to say that to me and id be like no...that wont help but it does even for a litle bit to just look like an idiot jumping about and not care lol. otherwise watching an intersting programme/film now i know thats not active in anyway but it does take your mind of stuff when you get into it.

    orrr you know...get addicted to yahoo answers...thats what im doing today to take my mind of c**p lol

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