
Ways to improve karate skills?

by Guest60877  |  earlier

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Ways to improve karate skills?




  1. Having trained for around 11 years (note: not long compared to alot of people :p), i would say that if you mean just karate technique in general spend time on each move per week, start with correcting movement, technique, then once that is sorted you can try speed, but first practice very slowly and build it up slowly. If you mean improving kata, then again very similar start by practicing small sections slowly, work on each section seperately slowly then link them together, once it feels correct (use mirror or video camera something like that) you can slowly start building speed/power. However kumite is a stronger point for me so here it is: practice techniques as described above, then find combinations that you find fit well together, and practice in the same way as you would small sections of kata, but in more a relaxed way e.g. hikati, sorry don't know spelling, (please note, do not feel you must just use these combinations in kumite, don't have set combinations that you want to use, as they will not always be suitable against your opponent, depending on: height, strength, speed etc....) but anyway once that is sorted and you feel comfortable using these techniques in a kumite based situation, start working on movement, simply tuck hands into belt or have them by your side and practice foot/leg movement/fakes etc..and try work out what would be best for each type of fight, the rest in kumite i'm afraid comes with experience whether it be in the dojo or in competition.

    N.b. sorry just reading back i would like to note that by speed what i meant was sharpness, meaning each seperate move is fast (if it is meant to be depending on timing of kata), discuss this with sensei if needed.

  2. just keep practicing .

  3. dmalhoney gave some good advice and need to clarify better...karate is a huge field...

    I will stick to a general outline - to match you question.

    1. If your class uses patterns - LEARN them. I have seen soooo many people over the years complain that they cannot get any better at their style but they do not know/remember their classes patterns. How the heck can you practice them if you do not know them?

    2. If your class has patterns - PRACTICE them. There is a reason your sensei (or the masters in the system) created and teaches those patterns. Practice them and maybe you will understand - and you will definitely do better in class.

    3. Ask other classmates and senior members to watch your techniques and fix you. You can probably see mistakes that your seniors make...and the same goes with others watching you. Our mind usually sees first and then we can (later, after a lot of practice) make our bodies do. This occurs in reverse in very rare instances.

    4. Use a notebook. It will help you with the first 3 points. It will also give you a place to record corrections that your teachers makes in class to you and to others. The corrections the teacher makes usually apply to most of the students in class as well. So learn those. You may not need it yet, but you probably will in the future (or as a teacher in the future).

    These are some very general hints to help you. But they will make a massive difference in your martial arts path.

    Good luck!

  4. Stretch, and practice have always helped me in the past.

  5. Kata

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