
Ways to vent? Please help?

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For the past couple of weeks, life has been awful for me. I've gone through tough times, but I don't know what to do. I need to vent, and by vent I mean get my feelings out, because I feel like I have them all bottled up inside. I've talked to people about it, and I just feel like being alone, but are there ways to vent? I've tried writing in a journal, and that doesn't work. And crying helps, but I've done to much of that already. Please help?

ALSO: I'm not suicidal, and that's not an option, I just need to vent. Thanks so much.




  1. example 1. Scream into a pillow.

    example 2. Take yoga.

    example 3. find a tranquil area and think positive though.

  2. Take up boxing, or if you have a brother, I am sure he will be up for a fight!  You can also do the traditional stuff, like scream in your pillow, go to a party or write everything down and then rip it up

  3. take up karate or boxing.

    or just get a punching bag and use that.

    you will get into shape, learn some valuable things, and vent without breaking stuff.

  4. Write about it.

    Write down everything thats been bothering you lately.

    Read it over, and think of ways to improve each situation.

    When your done, rip it up. Especially if it is 'sensative' material.

    *Also, screaming into a pillow helps too.

  5. Maybe talking to a school counselor, or just you parents would help. When I was sad, and in a severe state of depression, this was my way of venting, and it helped alot. It also gave me a new fresh start to life.

  6. Friends- they're always there for you. My friend talks to me about her problems all the time, usually she yells and screams to get it out. If that's what it takes for your emotions to level-out, then do it. Go for a walk somewhere and just yell or beat the h**l out of a pillow or something.

  7. If I were you, I'd go out somewhere and just scream. Let it all out. Punch and kick the air. Tear leaves apart. Whatever. Then after, try to relax. Put a warm or hot towelette (i love that word) around your forehead. Put on some music that sounds like the ocean. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Lay down on your bed.

    You can email me at

    good luck.



  8. This is just personal preference, but I find that the best way to vent is to find someone who will listen and just let it all out. I'm not talking about shouting or anything, I just think out loud for a while about all the things that have been on my mind.  

  9. I always got into art, sometimes with nothing more than a pen or pencil, sometimes with photoshop or making videos / photography with digital cameras etc.  It doesn't need explanation and years later I have a portfolio of all of them that I understand and remember.  No one knew by looking at them what I was saying unless I told - so I wasn't writing and trying to make sense on paper.  Plus I could do it anywhere, alone or even during school/work breaks etc.  Sometimes I write, sometimes I walk - lol, like Forrest Gump went running, I'll walk up mountains or along sea coats, sometimes I pray and leave it with God until it comes back and then pray again, sometimes I planted it - literally got a plant or etched something in a tree somewhere in some woods, sometimes I burned my pages or tore them up afterwards, or blogged.  The only things I genuinely regret doing to vent were getting drunk a few times which led to crazy consequences and self harming because the scars are still there long after the pain left.  Hope you start to feel better soon.  Oh, and maybe you can get some selenium and multivitamins because stress really does knock the stuffing out of your immune system and plays havoc with your rest & diet ♥

  10. Blog about it! That seriously helps, I recommend I'm lalparaz9, feel free to comment or whatever.

  11. i know how you feel i went through a phase like this at 12 inwards but i kept all my problems bottled up i never spoke. it's great that you say you have spoken but i find sometimes it's easier to speak to someone you cant see. i suffer from depression as a result of my issues but it is now managed with medication that i will have to take for the rest of my life. i found writing poetry, listening to music, crying and screaming helped me and drawing and painting allowed me to express my feelings on paper without having to put too much thought into words etc. sometimes words just arent enough. i'm now a 20 year old mom to 2 boys and they keep me focused every day. if you would like to talk further email me at i hope things improve for you chick

  12. Parents? Therapist? You just need to find something that works for you.

  13. You should probably talk to a professional about it. Try your counselor at school, and he or she can direct you in the next step.  It can help to talk to your friends, but they don't always give you advice that is in your best interest, or perhaps they don't know what to say.

    Find a hobby to take your mind off of it. Try power walking, or getting into martial arts, or taking up a sport. Exercising releases endorphins which are the chemicals in the brain that make you feel good.

    I really hope that you start feeling better soon. It sounds like you are severely depressed.  

  14. *shrugs* i dont know what to do, my friends used to vent to me, and im planning on becoming a therapist/phyciatrist [ c**p i dont know how to spell it! ] because they say im rather good on it, so maybe I could help? >.> Eh.. anyhow, im a stranger,

    Stranger danger! haha. So, Mother/Father are good for some problems, Friends are always comforting, Boyfriend comforting should be best, if you have one. Obviously you're not suicidal Lol.

    Anyways. Yeah that's it.

    Venting is good! ;O

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