
We Shall meet at Philippe?

by Guest60969  |  earlier

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This is a famous quotation, but who said it and to whom.I think it is attributed to Napolean.But not sure




  1. Neither is exact but here are two.

    CASSIUS (to Brutus)

    Then, with your will, go on;

    We'll along ourselves, and meet them at Philippi.

    - Julius Caesar, Act 4, Scene 3. ...

    Plutarch famously reported that Brutus experienced a vision of a ghost a few months before the battle. One night he saw a huge and shadowy form appearing in front of him; when he calmly asked, "What and whence art thou?" it answered "I am thy evil genie, Brutus: we shall meet again at Philippi." He again met the ghost the night before the battle. This episode is one of the most famous in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar.

  2. Caesar's ghost to Brutus at his tent in Sardis(Turkey).

    Brutus was reading a book at night when the ghost came

    Brutus' reply was something like we will meet at Phillipe

    Read Julius Caesar by Shakespeare

  3. the ghost of julius caesar said it to Marcus Brutus.

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