
We need sash tying help!

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I am wearing a sash with my wedding gown. My sister and I tried and tried to tie a nice bow tonight in preparation for my wedding on Saturday, but we COULD NOT tie a decent bow....panic... do you have any clearly spelled out directions on how to tie a sash? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!




  1. keep the sash straight when tying it..instead of all bunched up....that usually helps!

  2. Here is a chat forum that discusses this topic. Maybe they will have some good suggestions:

  3. I am a Preschool teacher and tie lots of bows on little girl's dresses.  You can give this a try and see how it goes-

    First, make sure you have even amounts of the sash on each side.  Then "tie" or crossover the ends like you are beginning to tie your shoe.  Then, instead of making one loop and wrapping the other side around it, make TWO loops and wrap them around each other.  I hope it works.  Its worth a try.  Another thought- do you need a safety pin to secure the bow once it is tied?  Will is slip around as you move?  

  4. Go to the store where you bought it, or any bridal store for that matter and ask a sales person for help.  They will probably be able to show you (multiple different looks so you can choose) on another dress, and then you will have a chance to practice too.

    I'm sure the ladies will be happy to spend 30 minutes helping you out.  If its' the store you bought it at you might be able to bring your dress in and have them tie it and take it for you (it should take like 10 minutes).

    Good Luck!

  5. Okay, I will try to tell you what I do.  There is really only one thing you need to remember to make a decent bow.  First, tie the first over/under tie in the sash.  You know, like the first step when you tie your shoe?  Before you make any loops.  Now, look at it closely.  You will see that there is one piece of ribbon that is coming over the top of the knot, and the other is more toward the bottom of the knot.  (here is the tricky part)  Take the piece that is coming out on the bottom part, make your first loop.  Then, take the part that is coming over the top; bring this one over and through to make the second loop.  Practice a bit to get the sides even.  As long as you make sure the bottom part makes the first loop, you should have a straight bow.  If you do it the other way, the bow will be 'whop-sided' and uneven.  Here is a link, as well.

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