
Wearing thick clothing while dancing.

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I know that when you sweat during dancing, it helps you lose weight. Would wearing loose sweatshirt/pants be helpful or dangerous? Should you drink more water during breaks to prevent dehydration?




  1. Most dance academies will not let you wear loose clothing during dance. yes you should be drinking water during breaks.  

  2. You probably won't want to wear clothes like that while dancing. You don't loose weight from getting hot and sweaty, you loose weight by exercising enough to MAKE you sweat. It doesn't have anything to do with sweating. If you aren't sweating, you aren't working hard enough, and if your not sweating because you're working hard, then there is no point in sweating. Yes, you should stay hydrated.  

  3. Wearing loose clothing will not be that dangerous, but you may trip over and sprain your ankle. You could also tread on your pants and pull your pants down. I don't think you'd like that.

    If you want to loose weight, this really helps, eat lamb before exercise. Lamb is one of the very few foods which include a vitamin or chemical (I don't know!) which make it very easy in losing weight. You can cook it any way, it just has to be lamb.

    Also if you want to sweat while dancing, instead of wearing thick clothing, dance as hard as you can (I mean like try your best) and dance a lot. That will, obviously, make you sweat.

    Also, yes, definitely drink water. Or you'll have to get a kidney transplant and that won't be pretty! Also if you want to look pretty drink water, believe it or not it helps a LOT!!!

    Hope I helped and good luck in losing weight!


  4. well i dont think it would be dangerous

    but make sure that if you get dehydrated easily, you should bring plenty of water or gatorade with you to dance

    i wear sweat pants to dance all the time

    its whatever your comfortable with

    i sweat alot when i wear it

    it really depends on how much you yourself sweat

    i suggest wearing something underneath

    so that when it gets too hot, you can take of your sweatshirt/pants to cool down

    hope that helped :)

  5. Unfortunately - you have the theory behind this wrong. You don't lose weight by sweating - you lose weight by working hard enough to sweat. Wearing hot clothing like sweat pants and a sweat shirt will actually make it harder for you. You'll heat up faster - once you overheat, it will be way more difficult to work hard. And this could lead to heat exhaustion and cause you to get dizzy or even faint. It would be difficult to replace the water you would lose fast enough to make a real difference.

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