
Weather loach and shrimp?

by  |  earlier

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i am trying to get rid of 1 of my tanks all the fish have been alocated for my other 2 tanks all accept the eather loaches i want to put them in the cooler of th tanks due to their natural habitat but i have 10 amano shrimp in the tank so my question is will they eat them?




  1. yes they will eat the shrimp but this is ok to a degree. Pending on what you paid for the shrimp.I'm sorry but if you have to choose I would relocate the shrimp if possible if not then create more hiding spots or re-locate the loaches... by the way they are vey cool.

  2. i think they will be fine a fish only eats another if its hungry

  3. yea they'll chew em' up  

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