
Webcomics and copyrights? Please help!

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I wanted to know if I needed a copyright on my comic before I put it online. Also if I decide to put it on a site that hosts comics will other people be able to claim it as theirs?

If I do need a copyright on my comic how do I go about getting one? Thanx!




  1. Technically you don't NEED one, as your work is automatically copyrighted to you at its creation. If someone does hijack your work, though, you may have to prove it's actually yours. But sticking a copyright symbol on it usually does the trick.

  2. you don't need it..but its recommended

  3. Your BEST protection is to REGISTER your copyright.  For more information, this is the official US government copyright office website:

    The problem is, that it would STILL be up to you to enforce your ownership of the images.  If someone steals your work, it is up to you to ask them to stop, or bring a lawsuit against them.  By registering your copyrights, you can collect damages from the image pirates.

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