
Webkinz Question! (EASY 10 points!)?

by  |  earlier

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I already have 14 webkinz on 1 account and next week i am going to get a new underwater webkinz! my problem is i dont know if i want to put it on that account or make a new account. Because if i make a new one it will be a lot easier and i could maybe give my old account to a friend or family or something, but if i keep it on that account it might be WAY to hard to take care of all of them, so what would you do?




  1. I would put it on the same account but if you don't, can I have your account? Email me at

  2. Hi!

    I would just put it on your current account. It will be more trouble to keep logging into different accounts than it will be switching pets. I have about the same amount of Webkinz on mine and even if you don't play on some of your pets for a while, they stay in great moods. Plus, starting over on a different account would be a pain because you have to earn all your kinz cash over again.

    I hope I helped, good luck, and have fun!

  3. you dont have to get a new account... i believe if you like get the fish or something wherever you go it is underwater just make a special room for them or something...

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