
Webkinz wedding help!!!?

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This may sound silly, but I'm having a wedding for my webkinz samoyed and german shephard! I have already built an outdoor chapel for the ceremony to be held in! Any more ideas to make the day special?




  1. OMG! cool! i agree with everything above! give me ur username and ill send u a wedding gift! mine is para1dice!email me!

  2. give them a honey moon!  you can make a beach :  take dirt and dig it up. mix it a bit and fill the hole.  now, make a hole next to where the dirt was placed!  fill with water, or rip up tissues and put in hole to represent water.  take leafs and twigs and twigs and make a palm tree!  give them a limo too!  make it out of cardboard.  food is good too! make food with clay!

    happy marrige!

  3. use the carrot cake for the wedding cake cuz its ornate, and have a band at the reception!

  4. combine theyre rooms so it will be like theyre moving in teogether

    make a room for the reception

    you know u have to make all of them dress up

    if u have that POTM party confetti shooter mayb u could put that somewhere

    id LOVE to come my usrname is tp3215

  5. 1. Make a nice place for a hunny moon

    2. Presant exchange

    3. Make a cardboard cake and have them through t in their faces!

    4. Get flowers for her to hold & at the end, have her throw them

    5. Get a radio and some slow music

    6. 2 braclets (since their toes are sewed together)

    7. Got any lil'kinz? Have a flower gal! I think the lil' terrier will work best

    8. Don't forget the people! Ring berrier, best man, best woman, flower girl, ect.

    9. Idea for hunny moon: put in a caset tape (or DVD) in and have them watch the movie while eating popcorn!

    10. If you have the wedding music on your cell, play it when the bride walk down the ailse

  6. How about having a special dinner in honor of their wedding, make it a treat for them too?!

  7. Wow! Maybe you can buy the german shepard a tux and the samoyed a wedding gown. I have the samoyed to! What a cute idea!

    Please add me my username is animalubber and if you would like to come to my webkinz wedding you are very welcome to. Its for my bulldog Ben and my American Cocker Spainel Alice. They are soooooo into eachother!

  8. Have a honeymoon!

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