
Wedding Programs!!??

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I have to help make wedding programs...what do i add in them, or important things like what not to leave out...any fun ideas or cool disigns?




  1. Go to a place that can order the programs for you (you don't have to buy) and look at the different styles they have.  Take notes on the elements you like and want to incorporate in your programs.  

    When I was directing weddings I would suggest that the bride also include a gentle reminder to turn off cell phones.  If you're getting married in a church find out if they allow flash photography during the service.  Some do and some don't.  If your place does not allow flash then you should also put a note to that effect.  It saves everyone the embarassment of having the pastor stop the wedding to tell people no flashes.  (I've actually seen this happen)

    Congratulations and have a beautiful wedding and a long and happy life together!!

  2. I am Filipino and married an Irish/German.  There were a lot of traditions at our wedding that I knew a lot of his family and friends wouldn't understand, so I explained them in the program.  I went a step farther and added other traditions at weddings (why a wedding party, meanings of the flowers the bridesmaids carried, why ring on 4th finger of left hand, etc...).  I had my program follow the designs of my invites.

  3. kp pretty much covered what you need for the traditional style programs.  You could also ask the couple for some things that they've gone through that they like to share about how they met, got engaged, etc...if you can get each of their mothers to get you a picture of them when they were babies...and then one of them today (maybe their engagement)...put them in the always gets an AWWW...

  4. It all depends on the both families are familiar with the other religion.  Most of these suggestion have great ideas.  You can put the order of events for ceremony in it.  If you are hosting a gather between the ceremony and reception, you let the people know through the program.  

    Just make sure that the program has some useful material or it is a waste of money.

  5. You usually add the officiant parents of bride and groom, grandparents and god parents, order of program, such as song choice, unity candle that sort of thing, then you add members of the wedding party and if you want details about the bride and groom such as how they met and the proposal

  6. Hope this helps

  7. Some things you'll want to include:

    The order of service - this is all the things that happen during the ceremony listed in the order that they occur. Be sure to note who is speaking, and the titles of any song selections. At the first mention, list the full name and title of the officiant. Example: Benediction - Reverend Robert Johnson.

    List the wedding party, and include how they are related to or know the couple. Example: Suzie Smith, maid of honor - bride's beloved sister. Or John Jones, groomsman - friend of the groom.

    You might also want include the names of the bride and groom's parents and grandparents. Ask the couple if there's anything else they'd like.
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