
Wedding video ??

by  |  earlier

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When i got married in St.Lucia we just got a fellow holiday maker to record our wedding on a old video camcorder. We got it tranfered to dvd but the quality is pretty poor and i was wondering if there is a service out there that could digitally enhance it or something....any sort of way of improving the quality of it ?

I'm in the UK and can't find anything online, probably because i don't know exactly what i'm looking for.

Could anyone shed some light ?

Many thanks.




  1. It's possible that the original footage is OK but the transfer to DVD wasn't, or the original footage may be bad.  I'd go back to whoever recorded your wedding and find out whether they've still got it.  If they have, you need to find out what it's like and go from there.  If they don't have that footage I think you're very unlikely to get any improvement.

  2. Try to contact production below they may have contacts in the UK:

  3. Depending on the camcorder used, there may not be much that can be done.  At least not cheaply.  You are limited by the original recording, unfortunately.

    What you need to look for is a "digital restoration" service.  Look for a company that can work with film transfers.  Be careful, though, as some of these services only project the film onto the wall and video tape it from there.  Look for a company that actually uses a digital transfer.  They might be able to help you out.

    Congrats on your wedding and I'm sorry about your video.
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