
Weed and Snowboarding???

by  |  earlier

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I recently went snowboarding and I'm no expert but I'm fairly good, a low-level intermediate. After several runs to get a feel for the mountain I smoked a bowl and went back to the slopes and to my amazement I was doing stuff I couldn't do 15min before.

Has anyone else tried this and seen a 200% increase in performance while snowboarding or am I the first to try this? I mean I wasn't going off any jump, but I was going hella fast down the mountain and didn't fall at all and felt way more comfortable doing it.




  1. I don't smoke weed, I don't like inhaling smoke of any kind (hey, you know in house fires people don't die from the fire, they die from smoke inhalation). But I have noticed that I ride so much better after a couple of beers (beer is legal if you're 21 or older, and doesn't require smoke inhalation). It is a fine line though between just enough beer to relax and feel more free to speed down the mountain, vs. too much and you lose your sense of balance and fall down constantly.

  2. I roast every time I ride dude.. be carefull, sometimes I ride betta and flow . But other times, I ride like complete t**d.. Moderation is the key here.. But yes I roast when i ride and its great..   Roast away dude...

    EDIT:  I cant even smell alcohol and ride a snowboard though. I did a couple shots of gin last season, and decided I was superman, ANd NOt sure if any of you are familiar with JIMINY PEAK in western mass, but they has a "pro park" last year and i hit a 40-50 footer bombin, It shot my feet straight in front of me and i landed directly on my back, and was out for the rest of the season, I DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT recomend DRINKING AND PARK RIDING!

  3. hahahahaha.

    oh man.

    i love you.

    didn't your fingers freeze from just standing out there in the cold though?

  4. Yeah, i usually burn before and while im out on the mountain, it seems to put me in the rhythm.

    Add the ipod and its a match made in heaven.  

    I wouldn't do coke or E or meth when snowboarding. i can see how coke and meth would help tho, but its stuff i try to  stay away from. And i keep E is strictly for raving.

    I also like to get some beer or get some whisky. Gives you more commitment to something and if you fall you dont feel it, until the next morning.

    Snowboarding and weed go  hand in hand with each other

  5. Some possible explanations:

    1) You really were not doing as well as you thought, you just perceived reality differently.

    2) Your intoxication reduced your inhibition; since you didn't feel anxious about falling, you performed better than when sober.

    No, I never use weed or any other substance when riding.  I don't even use energy drinks.  It's all me!

  6. It just relaxed you and your body and when you are relaxed you ride better. Its like if you go to a bar and have a few games of pool or darts etc you often find you play better after a few drinks as you are relaxed and care less. Good luck with the riding.

  7. dude next time u should try a mix wit beer, whisky, ecstasy, cocaine, and meth before a run.

  8. u probably imagined the whole thing..actually u were probably going a lot slower & u thought u were flying...stupid

  9. lol, that's what weed does doesn't it?

  10. weed = chill

    chill    = good snowbording

    weed + chill + good snowboarding = amazing time!

    yeah... wouldnt suggest the alcohol either tho... bad memories...

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