
Weight Gaining diet i'm on...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm curently drinking carbohydrate shakes (one a day) one shakes gives me 2200 calories this meaning what. is this good or bad. I'm 6' 150 taking it to put on some more weight so i could build more muscle.




  1. Here's how u can gain weight. The fastest way to put on weight with natural & with day to day stuff is by following the below.

    Daily mornings have a glass of warm milk mixed with 2-3 raw eggs with a couple of spoons of honey & may be lil bit of cardamom or cinnamon to build taste. Beat it up well & gulp it down. Follow this for a period of 2-3weeks & see how fast u gain weight. Also eat lotsa bananas & food mixed with ghee / butter / mayonnaise... Red meat helps in gaining quick weight & mass as well…. Try it, best of luck

  2. Carbs will give you energy that needs to be worked off in cardio not muscle building.

    Try a soy or whey protien shake instead, you can get them at any health food or vitamin shop, it will work alot better.

    But also eat real food for nutrients, lean protein as your main foods (chicken lean beef)  

  3. If you're serious about losing weight you MUST try Acai Berry! I first heard about on Oprah, and I ordered a 14-day FREE trial from this site. I've already lost some weight and I've got tons more energy.

  4. carb shakes arn't that good for bodybuilding, its protein shakes. The extra calories in that shake let you repair muscle and make more after you work out in the jim

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