
Weight Loss. Please Help. ?

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I have gained a little too much weight this summer, so I am attempting to lose 15 - 20 pounds in three weeks. That'ss about 7 pounds a week.

I know that seems like a bit much, but I think I can do it, while still being healthy.

I am going to jog for about 20 minutes every morning, and skip every night for the first week. Then I will skip every morning, and run every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday of the second week.

For the third week, I will run every morning, and skip every night.

I will stick to a strick diet of only fruit vegetables, meat, and water.

Any suggestions, tips, or help would be much appreciated.




  1. Your goals are not realistic for losing weight in a healthy manner.  If you were to lose that much weight, it would likely be water weight in addition to muscle and fat.  You don't want to lose muscle.

    A pound of fat is about 3500 calories.  For 20lbs you are looking at about 70,000 excess calories you need to burn.  You need to determine how many calories you need a day (maintenance level).  Once determined, you should cut that level by 20% for 3 days and then eat the full maintenance amount on the 4th day.  If you go any longer than 3 days, your body will go into starvation mode and start hoarding any calories you take in addition to slowing down your metabolism.  

    Break your meals down into 6 smaller meals a day with the larger ones being earlier in the day.  Each meal should consist of a complex carb, protein, and a fibrous carb (i.e. chicken, brown rice, broccoli). Each meal should be about 3 hours apart, but no longer than 4.  This speeds up your metabolism and keeps a constant flow of protein throughout the day to preserve muscle.

    Combine cardio with weight training to burn off that fat and retain and build your muscle.  Don't worry about getting huge from weight training because it takes a lot of work to build muscle (short of steroids).  Cardio only burns calories while you are doing it unless you do it really hard in intervals (i.e. sprint 1 minute, rest 1 minute).  Weight training will allow you to burn calories after the workout because it takes calories to build muscle.

    I have used this method and gotten great results while staying very healthy.  Check out an ebook called Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.  Its where I learned much of this from.

  2. Hi there,

    Firstly, you need to be careful with weight loss. Rapid weight loss really isn't healthy for you and if you are planning on losing weight for an event, then you need to plan in advance. Typicaly guidelines are 2 to 3 pounds weight loss a week is healthy. More than that and you do run a risk of damaging yourself.

    Losing weight is, in itself, relatively easy. You need to

    1) Consume Less Calories

    2) Burn More Calories

    What is difficult is the motivation for weight loss.

    Most people struggle to lose weight because they do not have the motivation and because they give in to all the temptation around.

    I personally have found that hypnosis is an excellent way to deal with weight loss motivation as it works with the subconscious mind and really helps you get motivated. A good hypnotist can also do things like stop you craving chocolate and sweet things and help you be more motivated with exercise and the like.

    I've also found that as the excess weight starts to drop off I am feeling much more self confident and better about myself.

    Hope that helps,but please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.

  3. do ab workouts also, it'll help with the stomach; make sure you're getting atleast 8hrs of sleep

  4. Your workout plan is unique.  The food plan needs some work though.  There's a reason why there are recommended food groups: lean protein, veggies, fruit, whole-grains, low-fat dairy, and heart-healthy oils.  Your body needs these things to be balanced.  It doesn't have to have a lot but they need to be included.  Have 3 small, healthy meals each day and 2 small, healthy snacks.  Check out the 5-4-3-2-1diet plan on the page below and while you're at it, check out the "Eat Healthy" section.  The diet is designed for rapid weight loss.  You choose the foods but the diet helps you eat small amounts.  It works really least for me!  The "Eat Healthy" section describes how we should all be eating for good health and proper weight.  You'll also find some pages of weight loss tips, printable food and exercise logs, etc. on the site.  Good luck!

  5. Your right, you sure can do it!

    But, you really have to DO IT, not just say it.

    Dont skip a day's excercise just becuase your lazy.

    You have to stay constint.

    I lost 24lbs in 1 month by eating Fruits and going to the gym 5 times a week.

    I would lift weights and run 3 mile's a day 5 days a week

  6. Hey,

    I am always surfing the web for websites that give good info. of losing weight. I found this one and it has alot of facts. Take a look at it, maybe you can benefit from it. Hope it helps and good luck losing weight :D

  7. when bored exercise. do pushups and situps. i was in army and stayed in good shape and kept improving whenever had idle moments

  8. it all sounds good apart from the diet

    try to eat anything you fancy but not to much because when you say to your self so and so food is forbiden you WILL eat it and when you do you will eat a large amount. have what ever you fancy but only a little.

    eat the bigest meal for breackfast and smallest for dinner

    do drink 2litres of water a day

    dont eat after 7pm and if you do then eat a little or fruit.


    good luck

  9. The best thing to do is to keep with a diet that you are going to stick to.  Because no one can stick to the diet that you are suggesting forever.after a while you are going to loose weight but in the wrong way, as soon as u start eating normal again u are going to put it all back on because your body is going to store it as fat FACT! the best thing to do is to eat the right stuff and treat your self once in a while, and do regular exercise but not excessively.the weight might not come off so fast but it is worth it at least you know that you are doing it right and not damaging your health.

  10. If you aren't busy with something like a job or school or whatever, you should definitely get busy with SOMETHING. I just started school a few days ago and noticed that I eat wayyy less. And I also exercise a lot. Bike riding is soooooo good. I really suggest you do that. Bring water with you though.

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