
Weight Loss?????????

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What can I do to lose weight in 2 weeks?




  1. I am sorry my fellow new zealander but you are not going to like my answer.

    2 weeks is not enough time to lose weight. Yes you can lose a bit of weight through unhealthy methods in this time but I strongly advise you not to do this. Here is why,

    Dramatic weight loss is shockingly bad for you. This wrecks your metabolism and irreversibly damages your immune system. When faced with an intensive calorie restriction, your brain immediately thinks you are starving and sends your body directly into famine mode.

    Your metabolism slows and your body does its utmost to preserve precious fat stores. It starts to use up fat burning muscle tissue for fuel instead of life-saving fat which slows your metabolism even further.

    Soon after the fast weight loss will slow to a complete stop as your  body slows your metabolism to prevent you from starving to death.

    So if you lose your weight too fast all you will end up doing is putting it back on (and possibly more) because you have stuffed up your metabolism.

    Sorry, I do not mean to scare you or put you off but think you deserve to know the facts.

    This following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.

    Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

  2. Check out for info on a brand new weight loss/ hunger management capsule. People lose typically 2-7 lbs a week with it.

  3. Losing weight as fast as that needs some serious guidance. You may check out for reviews of top 5 weight loss programs on the market.

    Hope you can find the best one for you to lose weight in 2 weeks.

    Good Luck!
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