
Weight gain and speed?

by  |  earlier

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Alright so Im a junior in HS and play football and track. Last year for track I was about 5'8" 160 about. This year I am 5'10" and 180. The weight gain appears to be strickly muscle as I lift hard 3 times per week. I expected this increase in muscle to help me run faster for track but this year I ran just about as fast as I did last year, no significant increase. Does anyone know why this increased muscle would not make me faster?




  1. Its all related to the support force you now have at the heavier weight. You added 13% body weight and unless you added more than 13% in strength you will stay the same speed or get slower. One of the main goals in sprinting is to get stronger without getting heavier. Also you need to keep sprinting and/or doing over speed exercises like altitude drops so you can apply your strength faster.

  2. i depends what you are working out. there is no better running workout then running. i suggest etheir spending more time running and less lifting or you could always join the field team.
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