
Weight issue?

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I'm writing an argumentative paper, and I have to choose a controversial question. I chose to do girls and weight issues.

What are some arguments that can be made for and against girls and weight. (How girls care so much about how much they weight, how they try to be stick thin, diseases they get trying to be so thin, etc.)




  1. Let me preface this by saying 'No fat chicks'.

    The only disease a person can get by being too thin is malnutrition. Anything else is a chosen set of behaviours (eg anorexia or bulimia). They choose to do that, their decision, their problem.

    The reason they care is because they are shallow, continually judging men by their appearance, and project their own shallowness onto men.

    When the fact is that men aren't really that choosey. We'll bang anything we can, within reason.

    In conclusion, "No fat chicks".

  2. Well if you are thin, then some people may think you are healthy, but you might not be.  However some people are healthy when they are thin because they exercise and eat right.

  3. Hi, on the "for" reasons (why girls have weight issues), you can discuss the following:

    * how society percieves (social ridicule, teasing, etc.) girls who are overweight;

    *how these girls' confidence is affected because, they are ashamed for not having the figure which is dictated by the society, fashion world or by the entertainment business that is why they have weight issues;

    and for the "against" reasons, you may discuss the following:

    * the impact of such things to their physical condition (they may get illnesses due to the things they do to loose weight), emotional and psychological condition ( their routine to loose weight may lead to anorexia or bulimia).

  4. Some guy, it's actually less healthy to be underweight than to be overweight. Many underweight people aren't as able to fight off diseases nor do they have the stamina of heavier people. Also, if you are too thin, your body will cannibalize itself in a desperate search for protein. That includes literally eating away at the heart. That's why many anorexics end up dying from heart attacks.

    Anorexia or bulimia nervosa are not chosen behaviors. They are the result of long-standing emotional issues with the sufferers. People who suffer from them tend to have low self-esteem, are perfectionists, feel they have little control over their lives, and want to please other people all the time. They have little or nothing to do with the media's portrayal of the ideal beauty standards for women. These eating disorders are completely separate issues. You can't tell an anorexic to start eating nor can you tell a bulimic to stop bingeing and purging. You have to treat the underlying issues that are causing these problems. Anorexics will simply find ways to avoid eating or get the food out of their bodies while bulimics will find more clever ways to cover up their activities. I lived with a bulimic so I know what this eating disorder looks like and what people with it are capable of doing.

    Also, every time I see the childish "No fat chicks" comments, it makes me want to respond with "No short dudes". In my case it means someone who is 5'10" or less because I am taller than he is.


    You might find these links helpful, Jean Kilbourne is a ground breaking intellectual who has committed her life to revealing the link between advertising and young women's obsession with thinness.  

    I love the documentary "Killing Us Softly 3".  If you can find it (maybe on YouTube), it is certainly worth watching.

    Good luck with your report!

  6. i'm not sure what you're's my opinion:

    when i was 11, i thought i was fat because my family and friends often pointed it out. first eating disorder at an early age. became excellent at math. why? because i was obsessed with counting calories. when i was 17, i said, "s***w the world. and s***w you. i don't care if i'm fat. I'M HUNGRY! i have enough pressure from society, my parents, my siblings, and even friends about losing weight. i'm gonna eat whatever i want to eat and however much i want to eat for however long. and if you got a problem with that, hey, it's not my problem. s***w you." i'm 5'1" and 127lbs. i say s***w the world if they think i'm fat. i like my curves. i don't need to kill myself to please anyone.

  7. most girls want to be thin because people have an image that only thin women are beautiful. They have all these actresses that young girls look up to that go through dramatic weight changes because they want to look "good", then these girls see this on TV or magazines and they feel that it's the only way they could be beautiful too.. Then when they lose all this weight and all the attention goes to them, saying that they look so good being that skinny when they actually look like corpses...

  8. To begin with, what is the argument?  Girls should or shouldn't have weight issues?  I think you need to clarify that before you can go any further.  Frankly, I think you have picked a topic that is certainly worth analyzing the "why" of, but it is not controversial in the sense that it can be argued. Or, if you do continue with this topic, you need to really clarify what the two sides of the issue are.

  9. Ok for one, starvations is starvation thats one type of eating disorder (starving/starvation) thats where people obsess in being thin or skinny. There is anorexia and bulmia, which is an eating disorder but it usually develops in people who suffer from emotional pain from depression, stress, or anxiety. Its much deeper then wanting to be skinny, anorexia has to do with control, perfection, and usually plays on people who are good students, well organized people, who strive for perfection.

    Eating disorders are complex, and experts don't really know what causes them. But they may be due to a mix of family history, social factors, and personality traits. You may be more likely to have anorexia if:

        * Other people in your family are obese, have an eating disorder, or have a mood disorder such as depression or anxiety.

        * You have a job or do a sport that stresses body size, such as ballet, modeling, or gymnastics.

        * You are the type of person who tries to be perfect all the time, never feels good enough, or worries a lot.

        * You are dealing with stressful life events, such as divorce, moving to a new town or school, or losing a loved one.

    I have had personal expeirences with many friend who suffer from anorexia, if you know a person ask them if it was about weight, most will say its not. A lil girl i know controls her eating because she strives for perfection, its something she can control. A friend of mine who suffered from it went through it for 11 years. It had everything to do with hating herself, her body, and not having the control over her life. Its much deeper then " hey i want to be skinny" it can be used as a form of punishment and so on.

    Also there are diseases on eating that gains weight. The same principles apply, no one says "hey i want to be fat" instead of control its indulgence, food fills their needs, wants, emotions. It doesn't fight them, hate them, hurt them. Something so delicious can be the sensation they needed to feel or be satisfied.

    If you go on youtube you can find many documentaries on woman who suffer from anorexia and bulimia and see how they differ from girls who just starve to starve. People who suffer from anorexia don't like to think they do, while girls who starve know they are doing it, they are completely different diseases.

    On youtube, Intervention A&E Emily, Intervention A&E Salina, Intervention A&E Laurie & Jessie (Jessie is bulimic) These are graphic documentaries.

  10. It's natural for a girl to want to look skinny. The prettiest girls ARE skinny after all. Many girls have developed eating disorders based off of pretty girls on magazine covers. I think that magazines should not exist if they just cause girls to starve themselves.

  11. I agree there's not much of an argument there. Why not take an issue like eating diseases and explore something new, like the pressure on men to look a certain way? I just saw a headline about superskinny male models being the new thing. I don't know, but this issue's been done to death, so think outside the box.
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