
Weight loss stories?

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With diet and excercise

How long did it take you

and how much did u loose?




  1. I lost 50 lbs in about 6 months. I just ate mostly chicken b*****s, brown rice, and veggies every day for lunch and dinner. I ate egg whites or fiber cereal for breakfast. I did cardio exercise (my elliptical machine) for 40 mins, 5 days a week. I did squats, lunges, crunches, and small hand weights every other day so that I wouldnt have loose skin. I drink nothing but water and tea in the morning, but with no milk or sugar. Just plain tea. ♥

  2. Low carbed

    -around 30g carbs a day, a very good portion of that from carbs naturally found in vegetables, eggs, very minimal amounts of breads, pasta, rice and sugar.  Drank water, all the time, as much as i could each time.



    -pretty much every weekend my friends and I would go backpacking/hunting into the mtns.  Hauling +20lbs up hill for 4+ hrs, then chasing around critters all day, for 2-3 straight probably burnt the entire weeks calories.  During the week I would do sort of a mini circuit, jump rope-push ups-jump rope-sit ups-jump rope-curls all one after the other with minimal breaking in between.

    All in all, I lost about 40lbs in a month and a half. I'm pretty young too so it wasn't that hard.  Instead of eating candy and chips, i would eat beef jerky and cashews.  I absolutely hate running and going to the gym, so instead I jump roped and went hunting/hiking.  I feel like its all about making suitable substitutions about the aspects of loosing weight you dont like; cause subconsciously your not going to do what you don't want to do.

  3. If you are already fairly close to normal weight then the weight will come off slower and less noticeable than if you were really overweight.

    I started jogging and cutting out some candy and soda, that sort of thing, started at 130lbs, last month. now at 122. but i have been keeping up on the exercise every day, and give myself every other weekend off. It sucks sometimes, but you just have to imagine yourself at your goal weight and it will get better- trust me!  Oops- speaking of which, i need to go exercise, ta-ta!

  4. 2 years ago I was at my heaviest. I am 5ft2 and at that time, I weight 175lbs. Which to be quite frank is pretty overweight. My sister joined the gym and suggested I go along, I wasnt too motivated at first but after every work out I have to admit, I felt amazing. I would start with 15 mins of stretching (most people do not realize the benefits of stretching) followed  by 30 minutes on a treamill and 15 minutes with weights. I took before pictures and measurements and stuck them on my fridge to motivate me as well. I cut back on junk foods and increased my protein and vegetable intake. I also drank more water than anyone should in a course of 2 years haha. The weight came off pretty quickly. I am now 123 pounds and feel fantastic. Im very proud of my accomplishment.

    took me about 2 months.

  5. The past 3 weeks I've been losing 6 lbs a week by eating between 1200-1300 calories a day and exercising every day to burn at least 300 each day.  It's worked pretty well for me.  I can even plan to splurge at one meal by having two fruit meals as the other two meals for the day.

  6. Um, I'm young so it's easy for me but I lost 20 pounds in like a month:)

    I didn't diet,I just stopped eating junk food, and began riding my bike daily.

  7. I'm a girl, 5'3. I used to weigh 130 pounds, which, while in the healthy range, is a bit chubby. I lowered my calorie intake to 1,700, exercised daily, and cut junk food from my diet exept on weekends. Within a month or two I'd lost 17 pounds. Currently, I weigh 113...
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