
Weird Pregnancy Question:?

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Pregnancy Question:

Is it possible to be pregnant while an XRay at 2-3 months shows nothing and every doctor issued pregnancy test comes up negative?

I have all the symptoms (weight gain, morning sickness, tender b*****s, etc.), I appear 3+ months pregnant, but my monthly is still regular (just a lot lighter). To further complicate things, my tubes are tied and burned.

Is it possible to be pregnant with all of these symptoms? (considering the other types of pregnancies; tubal embreotic, etc.)




  1. no, check your galbladder


  3. I don't think so. This far along a pregnancy test should be positive. However, something is going on, and they need to figure out what.  

  4. No I don't think you could be pregnant. If you have had tests that all come up negative and especially and ultrasound that shows nothing. Then you are not pregnant. You should talk to your doctor about other possibilities that can be causing your symptoms.

  5. I don't really think that your pregnant. But you should check with your Doctor. you know hormones do some whacked out stuff to your body if they are way out of whack  your body may not know the difference.

  6. At 2-3 months a blood based HCG pregnancy test would show positive if you were pregnant and an ultrasound would show a baby growing by 7 wks.  They can see a fetus in your tubes by 8 wks.  I would say if the blood test was negative and the ultrasound shows nothing you aren't pregnant.  When you have that thought in your head you can convince your body that you are pregnant and it reacts that way, but i will say my mom has her tubes tied and burnt and started going through early menopause at 30 and there were a couple of times she thought she was pregnant because she had the signs but the Dr told her it was because of the early menopausal signs.  You can gain weight, become nauseated, your b*****s can hurt, you can have horrible mood swings and strange periods.  Another thing that can be a problem is ovarian cysts which cause pregnancy like signs too.  

  7. If a scan shows up nothing then I'd say no you are not pregnant. Scans show up foetuses as early as 4 weeks into the pregnancy.

    i'm not sure but it could possibly be an eptopic pregnancy, you should look into that right away as it can be very harmful to you.

  8. It could be all in your head.

    And by that, I mean psychologically.

    Sometimes when someone really, really wants something, or really really doesn't, their body will change and appear as if it's happened, when it really hasn't.

  9. idk and who cares and y that qestion

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