
Weird dream bout a guy?

by  |  earlier

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okay so im dating a guy (we'll call him bob) and i love bob alot but i had a dream one night that this guy i used to like (just call him joe) he was suddenly in luv with me and joe asked me out and i said no i was dating bob and then i went home and i was mad i didn't brake up with bob & go out with joe. this is only the beginning, too...

the next night i had a dream similar to the first, except the guy that was all over me was this guy i didn't know but i fell for him he asked me out i rejected him & i felt bad about it later. it was enough to be dreaming about "joe" that i knew i didn't like anymore, but then i had almost an identical dream. and just so you know me and "bob" don't get 2 see each other alot & that makes me sad. if you don't know what ur talking about don't say anything i need informative answers this freaks me out plz help!!




  1. Well the fact that you don't see bob a lot could mean that subconsicously (not intentionally) you think that maybe you will meet someone else and you will hurt him (the random guy) but at the same time, maybe you shouldn't reject the random guy bc you don't see bob enough anyways (y you felt bad about rejecting this guy). Dreaming about joe could have been bc a.) you happened to randomly see him somewhere recently, if not b.) someone brought him up or a memory of him popped into your head sometime thru out the day, or c.) you somehow wish that joe would come back around and ask you out  bc you still like him. I think dreams like the one about joe just means that your underlying feelings that you don't think about during the day are surfacing thru your dreams. That doesn't mean you don't like bob but hey, you can't help who you like or how you feel and that's just the way it is. hope this helps.

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