
Weird jungle training rules.?

by  |  earlier

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Is this true?

That in the jungle, you're actually instructed not to respond if someone calls your name at night?

If so, why?

Doesn't make a shred of sense, but friends from 2 different armies said the same thing...




  1. The enemy might hear you ..

  2. i dont know if u have to apply try making a animal from the jungles noise.

  3. "Hey, Bill. Where are you?"

    "Right here."

    "Bang. You're dead."

    How do they know Bill's there? Use any common name, Sam, Pete, Mike, Tom, Joe. John. Maybe use a name provided by some prisoner, or some local.

    Or, how about this?

    "Hey, Bill. That you?"

    "I'm Steve."

    "Bang. You're dead."

    Make sense now?

  4. Because it may be the bad guy calling to you.  Did you drop that last letter from your girl telling you she loved you?  Did the bad guy pick it up and read your name from it?  Are your dog tags still around your neck or did the chain break somewhere after you left the LZ?  Or is your name John or Bill or Bob or some other common name that he just threw out there?  Making noise, even if its in the desert can be disastrous to your health.  You respond and he can pin point your location and then you and who ever is in the hole with you are history.  Take my word for it, BE QUIET!!!!!  Whew...blast from the past.  Good luck to you.

    ...First Sergeant, US Army retired...

    (Vietnam 1967 - 1970)

  5. Socks! in the jungle always have good dry socks if you can, #1 friend, cuz if your feet go then you go, and in the jungle you don't want that. And never give away your postion to the enemy.  

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