
Weird possible death dream? Worried?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not new to weird dreams. I've experienced vision dreams, premonition dreams, regular, weird, etc. Here Goes.

I was in an empty room. Then on the TV, I saw my family in Florida (who I'm visiting in a month) in the same room, exactly where I'm standing. They were playing and making this wooden game and making crafts and stuff. When the TV thing ended, I looked under the bed where they put the game in the movie and it was exactly the same. I looked up and I saw my family going around like normal. I was walking around like a ghost- nobody noticed me. I walked up to this white podium and stood there. Then, I was visible to them. My aunt looked scared for a second and then ran over to hug me and she said "Is this how you're going to contact us? Through oral speeches?" I didn't know what she meant by "contact them" so I just said no and hugged her back. I think that's when it ends.

(not finished)




  1. If you are pleased with what you saw on the TV it means you are proceeding along the right lines in life if you didn't like what you saw then you need to resist being influenced to easily by others you decide ...when it comes to a dream where you are dead it means you are being released of all your worries...if you dreamed of taking others on a vacation it means an unexpected gain or all in all life is good right now for worries

    now to what the other said its a dream anything can happen so you can be hugged

  2. I think U were not dead because ur aunt would not have been able to hug u and i think that if it was a preminition...there r ways to change your future. But just keep calm and relax because life goes to quickly and everyone has to enjoy it while they can. :) BE STRONG AND HAVE FUN!!!!!

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