
Weird question but i was thinking.?

by  |  earlier

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if someone is pregnant with twins. and they only wanted one baby can they abort one of the babies.. I dont believe in abortion but i was just curious.. is that possible to abort one the babys and keep the other or will the abortion will affect both babies?




  1. Yes it is possible...have you heard stories of women carrying 4 or more babies and have health problems the doctor usually advises that there would be a better survival chance for 2 or 3 babies if the rest were terminated.

    I'm not for or against abortion...i belive that every woman is diffrent, is at a diffrent place in her life with diffrent circumstances and that it is every womans choice.

    Also the person above said abortion is a vaccuum sucking out your live baby...there are many diffrent methods of abortion that is not always the way it happens.

  2. it has happened where one baby wwas aborted and the other survived where women didnt know they were pregnant with twins

  3. actually in large numbers of multiples they ask the parents if they would like to reduce the amount so instead of having triplets having twins and stuff like that

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