
Weird questionnnn need answers?

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ive been getting preminitions sourt of llately and theyve been coming true

a history of these things have been in my family help??? just a coincidence or the truth??




  1. If you're a person who likes to think about possibilities and scenarios, you probably will think about some things that do eventually come to pass in some form or another. But this doesn't mean you are getting premonitions.

    My advice is to document your "premonitions" carefully and consistently. Write them down immediately after you get them in a little notebook you can always carry with you, and with as much detail as possible. Then you can compare them with what actually happens and get a better idea of just how accurate you are.

  2. I have provided you some links below. The first will allow you to test yourself for psychic ability online.

    The next two will allow you to register your visions/premonitions so that you will have evidence when and if they do come true.


  3. I know that you wouldn't say this if the things that you had premonitions about hadn't already "happened" and  caused you to think that it was happening. But, don't believe that you CAUSE them to happen. Sometimes I think they're given to you so that you can change or stop it.Like..if you think somebody's going to could ask them to get a check up. But if they don't..then that's all you can do. The problem could start thinking that EVERYTHING you think about or dream about is a premonition. You need guidance. Read some books on this so you'll be able to understand it & handle it.Don't encourage it to happen..for your own sake. It will drain you if you do it too much. Also, people might think you're either doing drugs or you're "you know what"!

    Also..go to the links that psi left you. He's pretty smart.!

  4. I think u may be reading too much into since ur family does have a history of it. i know that every third generation of the family that breds  that ability get it.

  5. Coincidence and something called "confirmation bias".

    We all have a lot of random thoughts.  Some of these random thoughts resemble events that comes to pass.  Some people see this as ESP or premonition.  What they fail to consider is that with as many random thoughts we have and with the subjective source of those thoughts, we are bound to have thoughts that resemble events that come to pass, from time to time.  (Given the fact that such thoughts have no expiration date it would be improbable that one would have no thoughts resembling events that sooner or later come to pass.)  Therefore, those which do come "true" are just coincidence.

    In addition many people, in their zeal to make a supernatural connection, also fail to consider the multitude of thoughts that *don't* resemble events that come to pass.  This is called confirmation bias.

  6. Can you tell me how the stock market will be doing next week?

  7. Many have experiences like this.  There are many who try to market their 'ability' to see the future to those who want to know it.  Life can get confusing if a person starts thinking they know what 'will' happen.  It can be helpful to learn to focus more on living in the moment and responding to life challenges than getting too involved in wondering about premonitions and so on.  Enjoy that those experiences help you feel the world is more than can be understood with the linear rationale mind, and let yourself have fun with living creatively.

  8. If you have been having dreams that come true then they are precognitive dreams.

    Why doubt if you've already gotten the proof?

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