
Weird stuff growing in my tree?

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I have a grapefruit tree in my front yard, it is about 6 feet tall. These past few weeks, I've been noticing some cotton-y stuff growing on it. Kind of like those fake cobwebs people decorate their houses with on Halloween. Its growing in between the branches and there is a lot of it.




  1. since the tree is only SIX FEET TALL!  you won't need to burn them out!!!.. egads!!... and poisons' not the way, either... just wait until dusk when the caterpillars are in the web and take a rough textured stick and wrap  up the webbing by twisting it in the web to remove it.... stomp any caterpillars that fall out... then stomp the stick and those, too... then dispose of it.... keep doing this until they don't build another web.....

    if there's only one web, you COULD wait till they're all in the web at dusk and then prune off that branch near the web, but including all of it... if that doesn't ruin the look of the little tree.....same deal... stomp the web and dispose of it....


    Could be web worms they are most common in pecan trees here in the south. I attached a web for you to see. If they are web worms they are hard to get any insecticides into the web is to dense. The one way you can get rid of them is to take a pole of some kind and rap a rag around the end of it. Give it a good squirt of gulf light or what ever kind of charcoal lighter you use light it and reach up and burn them out. Don't do it a lot just enough to singe the web and scorch the worms inside. This will scorch some leaves but will get rid of the webs and the worms. One rule is when you do this if it's really high up in the tree and you are under it be sure you keep your mouth shut at all times.

  3. I live in the south too and it most certainly , sounds like web worms.  I  have gotten  good results with regular yard poison sprayed on them.

  4. Probably not good.......whatever it is.......find a spray man.  Also look for space craft parked near by:) All the get it taken care of.......nite

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