
Weird thing in the clear sky??

by  |  earlier

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the sky was clear and in the distance I saw what seem to me a white dove or a white bird then didn't notice wings flapping, Ok next thought a helicopter or airplane it was slowly climbing towards the sky at an angle, it had a shape like a "tear drop" it wasn't a helicopter or airplane, then kept watching it for couple of seconds and just disappeared , i thought maybe it made a turn because i've seen airplanes where they make a turn and seem like they disappear but didn't, i kept watching but nothing the thing or aircraft was gone. any ideas??




  1. thats an Unidentified Flying Object if i do say so myself!  You may also call it a UFO!

  2. UFO is guess, the government would say weather balloon.  I've seen a UFO when I was with my dad in the dessert.

  3. it could be a weather balloon...but whos to say what it was, we are after all just guessing.....

  4. I don't know what it is, but my daughters reported seeing something similar to that about 4 hours ago in the night sky.  Your question caught my eye bc they told me about it.


  5. Weather baloon - sorry, nothing to see here, move along please

  6. it was almost certainly a weather balloon. your description fits it perfectly. they are almost only visible against a blue sky.

  7. I would need more information to give you an educated guess.

    Last night I was observing the night sky and noticed an airplane moving very fast.  Then I looked more closely and saw it wasn't an airplane at all, but a satellite or something like that.  It was slightly brighter than a star and became very bright for a few seconds and then faded from view as it descended toward the horizon.  I read up and found out the space shuttle had launched.  I am assuming that's what I saw.  Do you think you might have seen the space shuttle right after it launched?

  8. Let me make things a little easier for you. As two others have alluded to, it was certainly a weather balloon. A UFO is often mistaken as meaning that it is some sort of alien craft. This is not the case. A UFO - 'Unidentified' flying object is just that. Unidentified. It is therefore true that what you saw was in fact a UFO - to you. To anyone else it was just a weather balloon. So now that you know, it is no longer a UFO to you as it is now identified. Clear?

  9. The shuttle went up monday I think. Don't know what it could have been if it didn't have a trail.

  10. Someday you might find out the government was testing something that looked exactly like that. That happened to me in 1973 or 4, my friend and I saw soemthings with never before seen wild collors trailing behind it (we have those colors now, but for a long time I could not explain those colors to people) and my friend saw a black craft from which the trails eminated from. There was no sound and we were amazed and thoroughly convinced we had witnessed the real deal. You might now recognize what we saw as the STEALTH. They had to discontinue using it as a weapon of war as every now and then it emits a phospherescent gas such as we saw, which makes it HIGHLY visible.

  11. a few years back the Russians put a great big mirror in space to reflect sunlight at night  for some strange reason, I caught a glimpse of it one night it looked really strange

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