
Well what sport should i play?

by  |  earlier

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im 5ft2 i weight 86 and im in midddle schhool




  1. lots of good sports while your small uhhm hockey has a LOT of small people, look at paul kariya

  2. track. its loads of fun, and how big you are doesnt matter at all, just how hard you try

  3. footballs always hot but if your in 8th grade then your really tiny for your age :/ sorry

  4. Gymnastics your PERFECT for it

  5. You should do track and field or cross country. These are really good for your conditioning and really help you in other sports as well. You could also check out wrestling for a more weight and strength demanding sport that invovles a very competive will to win a puts you up against one other person.

    Check out for more information on running and also their monthly magazine.

  6. If your school offers golf, than try that. if you can run and are strong, then try base ball or soft ball.

  7. Any sport is great. However, you need to decide asap.  The sooner you start playing the sport the better it is if you want to play in a competitive level.

    I would say that Tennis and Golf are the best individual sports.

    Basketball and Soccer are the best team sports.

    I would go for an individual sport though, you definitely get smarter and it helps you develop strong  decision-making skills as you don't depend on somebody else to succeed in the sport

  8. Mabey hockey or you could try skateboarding...

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