
Were do you get sea salt?

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someone suggested seasalt and water in my hair to make it look more sexyish and like i just woke up but where do I hget the seasalt???




  1. go 2 the beach and was ur hair in the water!!!lol

  2. Grocery stores carry them.

  3. Sea salt is available from most grocery stores, and every health food store.

  4. Sea salt can be purchased at nearly any grocery store. You'll find it next to the ordinary table salt.

    It's unlikely that it's going to make your hair look "sexyish." It might effect some polymer uptake, though, and maybe that's what you're after.

  5. It'll look like you just woke up and everything, but it'll feel nasty like straw.

    Someone told me the same thing. Try using hairspray or a product instead.

  6. any general store

    like walmart


    has it

  7. Most grocery stores have sea salt.

  8. Any store carries it

  9. It is available from distilled sea water. You need a big metal can, lots of heat/ pipes etc. Diagram on the web somewhere.

  10. At the grocery store by the spices next to the regular salt

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