
Were you happy with Breaking Dawn?

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I was extremely happy! I'm big on happy endings and what not. I thought it was perfect and that it was written perfectly. I can't wait until Midnight Sun comes out. I thought SM made it a perfect end to the Twilight Saga(:

Please share your opinions, but please don't bash the book brutally. I enjoyed it and I'd prefer not to read completely horrible bashes about the book. I'd just like some honest opinions from other Twilighters. Also, what do you think about the movie? Do you think it will be good? I think it will be excellent. I think the whole cast is perfect & i'm just very happy with it all. Also, please don't bash Robert Pattinson as Edward. I think he's perfect & I hate reading mean things about him.

Thanks! & I can't wait to read everyone's honest, but not brutal, opinions. Come one guys, we're not Simon Cowel, here. (Which, not bashing him b/c I love Simon Cowel too...but that's off subject.)




  1. xD You remind me of myself! I have all the exact same opinions as you about EVERYTHING! I LOVED Breaking Dawn, and I also can't wait for the movie, and I'm incrediably happy with the cast!! :D (( Oh, and yes Simon Cowel rocks! ))  

  2. i thought it was really good - i actually wasnt expecting it to be so  good. i thought it was kinda shocking that they got married so early in the book but it worked. i also was getting kind o f annoyed with bella when she wouldnt let carlisle kill the baby cuz i thought it was killing bella but in the end im glad they didnt lol.the ending kinda got boring tho - cuz it seemed to drone on. but in the end i thought it was an amazing ending for the series as well! yay! and im so excited for the movie! they moved the opening date to november 21st fyi. just if you didnt know. i <3  breaking dawn!

  3. Yeah! I love Breaking Dawn! I love the endings but I wish Stephanie would write more about the ending like what would happen to Renesmee and Jacob when she grew up, but other than that I loved the book!!! And I can't wait until the movie comes out!! I think it will be great! And everyone in the cast is perfect!!!!

  4. I loved the first three books of the Twilight Saga and I couldn't wait for Breaking Dawn to come out. Honestly I was disapointed in the book. I thought SM really butchered the characters. Sure it was alright until Bella became pregnant. It was really weird after that. I wasn't expecting it at all and after that point the characters seemed to act different than they usually did. I wasn't happy with it and I think it could have been written a totally different way..

    As for the movie I am super excited. I think Robert Pattinson is going to make a perfect Edward as well and I agree with you on how I hate to read people bashing him.  

  5. I LOVE the Twilight series I was extremely happy with Breaking Dawn. I read it in a matter of about three hours lol. Usually when you have an awesome series, the author always screws up the ending so you end up feeling empty. This book left me satisfied though I must admit that Bella being pregnant was very weird and Jacob imprinting with renesmee was even weirder. I also thought the book kind of pushed Edward out of the picture a lot. At leats the ending left nothing to be desired you know? No I wonder what happened in the future type thing. I'm not a big fan of book-based movies but I have to see this one. I think the Edward they picked is fine. He's actually pretty cute. From what I've heard the movie will have a different feel than the book so it'll be interesting to look at it from a different perspective. I can;t wait!!!

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