
Wet "down there"?

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Hey guys.

So, when my boyfriend came over tonight, we cuddled on the couch while watching a movie.

This led to kissing, and eventually he reached my weak neck.

So, I could feel myself getting wet down there.

Is there any way to control it?

I mean, seriously.

I'm 16 and I plan on keeping my V-card until marriage, so it's not like we're going to have s*x.

Is there anything I can do to stop it?

I mean, this is kind of an embarassing question, but I was just wondering.




  1. well ok it just means your just nervous and it will fade in a year maybe. and you are good for not having s*x for a while. so dont worry about anything!

  2. Not really

  3. No, theres really nothing you can do about it.. you were prob just turned on by it and that is your bodies way of getting ready to have intercourse... Its normal so you shouldnt be embarrassed by it.. but there is nothing you can do about it besides dont let him kiss you on the neck?

  4. Ha ha no sorry,there is no way to stop it.It's part of human  nature :) Great that you want to stay a virgin!

    Don't pay attention to that sailor chick,she's just being rude for some reason!

  5. hehe no there is noooo way! im also sixteen and am a virgin, i was gonna wait til marriage but i decided it doesnt all ways happen that way! but no, there is no way only way is to tell him to stop kissing you in that area.... and just because you get wet does not mean you have to have s*x, it just means your excited if you decide to keep it til marriage you have to have alot of self control... and trust me its hard because we are so young but im lucky because my boyfriend nows when im getting uncomfortable or im starting to lose control because he knows im not ready, so if you boyfriends cares about you he will understand it!

    i hope i helped!

  6. Seriously, good luck saving the "V-card."  Also, may I ask why you're calling your virginity a "V-card"?  Virginity isn't a possession, it's a description.

  7. don't worry its happened to me before :)

    umm i don't think theres a way to stop it.... i guess you could just not think about it and ignore it

  8. omg you are so not a v or u wouldn't be talking about this to the world

  9. get some toys for your self. i mean i know your young but it happends. it sucks i gotta write this but girl you gotta m********e and that should really help a lot. lol

  10. the only thing I can think of is tell him to back off of your neck, keep him in check, and think of very unromantic stuff.

  11. Theres no way to stop it hun... i know what you mean. That always happened to me. And I felt kinda embarassed but then i ignored it. So dont worry.. you're just aroused. Its a good thing. I'm still a virgin 2. A 17 year old virgin. and i'm saving my V-card till marriage also. Dont EVER let any boy bring you down! VIRGINS UNITE!


  12. uhmm...dont make out. duh. making out usually leads to lusting & there is really no point in a v-card if you are horny.

  13. It's a natural reaction. When you get poked by a needle you feel pain.

    It's your body's way of reacting to the stimulation.

    Yeah, you can't stop it.

    Unless you can stop yourself from being turned on.

  14. Nope. Completely normal and everything. How is it embarrassing, though, if he can't tell? :p

  15. I don't see how it's embarassing if he can't tell, well maybe he can I don't know, but yeah you can't stop it.

  16. Nah and dont wrry he probably didnt notice unless he mentioned something about it. its just a natural thing that happened 2 u cuz u were aroused by him kissing your neck. So just leave it be cu u cant stop it.

  17. Just do it like NIKE

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