
Wharfedale home cinema system trouble?

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I just bought a wharfedale home cinema system. I've got the DVD player working, im actually watching it now. But it the sound system i cant get working. It has a subwoofer and 2 speakers. The subwoofer turns on but i cant figure out how to connect it and the speakers.

It came with a cable, which has a black thing on one end, and a red thing and a white thing on the other end.

I cant find anywhere on my tv or the dvd player where the black thing goes.

On each speaker, there is a yellow thing.

Please help me!




  1. Hmm, you're not the first with problems setting this system up...:

    But to sum up, the 'red and white' are two RCA plugs, for audio, and the 'black thing' is a headphone plug for putting in a headphone socket. If your TV set or DVD player has a headphone output socket then you're in business, plug it in there. Plug the red and white cables into the subwoofer audio input (red to red, white to white). The speakers (each with a yellow cable) connect to the red and white audio output from the subwoofer.

    If you can't find any headphone sockets anywhere, you'll need to buy a standard audio RCA cable (red and white both ends) to connect DVD player to the subwoofer.

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