
What's Tennessee's natural disaster? ?

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o.O I was thinking the other day which state has nooo mother nature **** fits. Like a town near the smokey mountains?




  1. Tennessee suffers from tornadoes, floods, and sometimes severe ice/snow storms.

    I lived through all three at one time or the other during the time I lived in Tennessee

  2. tornadoes

  3. The Northwest of Tennessee is in a very active earthquake zone that is potentially one of the most dangerous in the USA. (The New Madrid Fault Complex).

    Flooding also occurs on the Mississippi River and others.

    As others have mentioned, thunderstorms with their high winds, lightening, and tornadoes are pretty common, and some winter storms include damaging freezing rain.

    Wildfires are not very common, but do happen.

    Bolide impacts are as likely there as anywhere.

    Heat waves usually take a few lives there every year, usually elderly people.  

    I've heard that North Dakota has the least number of natural disasters in the USA.

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