
What's going on? Help!?

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Every day since July 8th I have been having horrible stomach pains after I eat. They usually start up an hour or two after I eat and can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 14 hours. The only things I can eat that DO NOT hurt are chicken strips, french fries, and ice cream. At least those are the only things I've tried that don't hurt. There are days at a time that I do not have the courage to eat anything because I do not want to spend the rest of the day in pain. [It is a stabbing pain that burns occasionally.]

I have been to the emergency room twice with this problem as it has gotten to the point where I can't handle it. I am usually very good with pain (i watched my brother almost brake my wrist [on accident] and didn't flinch once) but this is too much. I get very nauseous and dizzy. I have also been to see my regular doctor and am currently waiting for an appointment with a gastroenterologist (excuse the misspelling).

So far all we know is that I do not have gall stones and that my gall bladder is functioning normally. I also am not pregnant, which is what some weirdo told me this was.

By the way I am a fifteen year old female and I am healthy except for this problem.

As I said before I am awaiting my appointment with the specialist but there is only one in my area that accepts pediatric cases and I will not see her until September. I need relief and options now!

If you have heard or experienced anything like this, please, I would like to know. It's driving me crazy not knowing what is going on with me. It is making me depressed and my family is taking it hard, too, as we are all very close.

Your help is appreciated. I apologize for any misspellings regarding the medical terms. Like I said... I am only fifteen.




  1. maybe you could try a prilosec before you eat

  2. That is weird that french fries and chicken strips are tolerable, the breading can be pretty abrasive.  I would therefore say it doesn't have to do with irritation(ulcers) if you can handle deep fried breaded foods.  A stabbing pain?  Maybe your stomach is leaking acidic stomach acids  onto your other organs.  That's not normal, I hope it's nothing too severe and I would definitely get that checked ASAP.

  3. One thing it could be is a serious food allergy. You could also try seeing a chiropractor. Often times things like stomach pains and headaches can be stopped with a correctly aligned spine. I am not doctor, these are just suggestions that I have (I have a friend who has had similar problems).

  4. Dear Static,

    From the time frame you mentioned, it would suggest a possible inflammatory bowel disorder, ulcerous condition in your colon, or even constipation.

    There are a number of tests to narrow this condition down to a correct diagnosis and treatment.  Anyone would be guessing at this point.

    May I suggest that you eat several very small meals during the day to see if that relieves or reduces the pain.  If your colon is inflamed, the surface may be very sensitive and hurts as food processes from the digestive stage in your stomach though the absorption stage in your colon.

    You may need to try a very bland diet until your tests can be done.  Try a small bowel of oatmeal, or mashed potatoes and unseasoned gravy, and see if that causes problems.  Avoid any spices or seasonings, and use decaffeinated liquids.  If you are not "regular", a fiber supplement that you mix with water might help.  Constipation can cause terrible pains in the colon.

    Try not to let this get you down.  There is a correct answer available, but not on this forum.  There are treatments and medications to help the condition to resolve, and deal with the pain.

    Have you been prescribed any acid blocking pills, or acid neutralizing liquids or tablets, prior to eating?  

    If not, the pharmacist can advise your parents on their use, and a call to your doctor to ensure anything I've mentioned is OK to try.

    I'm sorry you hurt.  But it's only for now and it will get better with correct treatment.

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