
What's going on?????

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I are not trying for a second child just yet...however I was supposed to start my period on the 21st...I have yet to start...this is very strange for me i'm pretty regular...I am now 8 days overdue and i've tested 3 times with negative results..what could be happening? Has this happened to anyone ? And did you end up being pregnant afterall?




  1. wait a week and take another test

  2. I think you r of luck.

  3. You can be up to 10 weeks pregnant before getting a positive result.

  4. it took me and my girl 3 month for the test to show + just keep testing odds r u r pregnant

  5. It has happened to me on more than 1 occasion. I had all the symptoms and when I visited my doctor it turned out to be stress. She said that it can sometimes be everyday stress that will throw your cycle off. If I were you, I would just make an appointment w/ my doctor asap just to make absolutely sure you are pregnant. Good Luck!

  6. uh...this is why yur not supposed to have it when yur getting yur period......I think so..........!!

  7. Maybe the pregnancy test you are using isnt accurate. Did you use the same brand? If yes, try a different one.

  8. I would recommend testing with First Response tests, they are the most accurate. Also, test with first morning urine.

    I personally never had anything like that. When I tested 8 days after my period was supposed to start, the line came up darker than the control line..

    Test again and Good Luck!!

  9. You could just be really stressed out; I've skipped periods before because of that.
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