
What's going to happen when....?

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Kyle Busch's hot streak ends (and by hot streak I mean Nascar doing everything they can to make sure he wins)??

How big of a baby will he be about it? Remember Texas in 06...leaving his team high and dry? Even the great JJ and Gordon, dominating last year had bad races. It WILL happen to him will he handle it?




  1. It happens to every driver sooner or later. He is pretty young though, it might be awhile.

  2. kyle will be good for a long long long time. so get used to it. he is a competitor so might as well quit hating now or youll go insane over the next few years while hes winning and a certain unnamed driver isnt.

  3. Bishop (Washington, DC): Huge fan here Kyle, how does it make you feel when you hear the boo's comming from the fans? Do you let it roll off your back or does it still effect you?

    Kyle Busch: Well, it effected me when I first came into this sport. No one saw me race and I was getting booed. Now I've grown accustomed to it. As long as their making noise, Dale Sr. said, you're somebody.

  4. The kid has matured, but winning is in his blood.  I'm sure the hot streak will end at some point, but that might be 10 yrs from now.

  5. he has already shown he can handle it  he hasnt had a great race every week

  6. Kyl Bush wont be a big baby about it because his teammate is Joey Logan and if Kyl loses he will just start a new win streak

  7. All good things must come to an end..

    Somebody famous said that.

    Hopefully he will have matured enough by then to be gracious and accept that it is over and not point fingers and blame everyone else.

    But we will have to wait and see.

  8. Kyle Bush does one thing better than most, when he has a good car, he drives the balls off it...  Unlike others that are afraid of the track and the wall...  Make it or break it...

    Kyle Bush is going to be alright.  He has faught all the way to where he is now.  Even at HMS he was pushing his way to the front and not standing in anyone's shoes or swallowing anyone;s wad...  

    Big GULP now Jr...

  9. Good answers Winter Glory and #18'sRowdyWorld!! Enough said!!

  10. He'll just go back to the hauler and cry.  When things don't go his way he blames somebody else.  He'll get mad and won't give an interview like the baby he is.

  11. He was a baby in the Nationwide race Saturday when he threw his teammate under the bus after Jason Leffler's spin caused Busch to wreck. When asked if Leffler shouldn't have raced him that close, Busch chimed: "Duh."

  12. They will probably just find a new golden boy.

    This is so obvious. One team last year dominates. Then this year is the same thing. NASCAR is really starting to suck. I want competition. I'd like to see Dover turned into a go cart track instead of taking out a 1/4 of the field in the first few laps.

    Hopefully his glory is during the first part of the season and someone else's will be during the chase. One team winning all the time is not fun to watch. I'm sure the Busch fans love it but no team should dominate.

  13. I don't know, and I don't care!!

    I'm just enjoying this ride, he had 4 total wins in his first 3 years at HMS, he's tied that the first half of this season.

    When the hot streak ends, the hot streak ends, he'll pick it up again when the chase is on, don't you worry about my Rowdy!

  14. I htink he realizes that this could and eventually will go south but for now he is riding the tide

  15. Great question. That's going to be part of his legacy how ever he handles it. But i guess we don't even have to wait. You already know he's going to be a big baby about it. Can you also tell me when this slump is going to happen. I'd like to know ahead of time when to stop picking him in my fantasy league. Thanks much!

  16. when his hot streak ends?  well, by then i should be long gone and buried by then, but i'll try to answer:  i guess he'll keep racing hard and it'll probably start back up again.  or it won't. but for us rowdy fans, man it sure is fun while it is going on!!!

    as a sidenote: you know, once nascar puts so much money into making sure that one driver wins all the time, they don't like to change horses in midstream - it becomes too costly.  they have to get all new people on the payroll, and they have to keep reminding all of the officials who the flavor of the week is, so they don't accidentally throw a debris caution when he's way out front.

    plus there's all that money they have to give to the owners and drivers to make them all wreck their cars at just the right times.  and all the money to all the networks and their employees to make sure they stop talking about that driver and start talking endlessly about the new guy nascar is so graciously helping out.  plus all the new fans they'll have to buy - providing t-shirts and caps to make it look like someone else has some fans besides jr. nation.  man, the expense and logistics are just too much for them to do this more than say, once a year or five or ten.

    but good question.  i'm going to put it in my journal and keep it under my pillow so i never forget it.  gems like this should be put on display at a museum, or published in book form for all posterity to see..

    oh, and btw, i think rowdy would agree - he'd like to see some competition too.  it must get boring and lonely out there running so far ahead of everyone else all the time.

  17. Kyle is the best. Even at his worst he's still better than Jr.

    He doesn't need a good car to do good things with it. Get over yourself, he will be winning for YEARS to come.

  18. He will be whining and blaming other racers for his down fall.

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