
What's happening to Ireland?

by Guest62124  |  earlier

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First they loose against Scotland and then they have so many problems against Italy and were winning only by a controversial try. Is it because O'Driscoll is missing? How they will make a good performance in 14 days?




  1. These guys that have answered obvisouly know nothing about rugby,ya Irealnd have had bad games against Italy and Scotland but nobody realises that the Irish players have not played in so long,the first 15 didnt go on any summer tour, they spent their time in the gym. According to Paul O'Connell,everyone on the team is in the best shape of their life, lifting heavier weights than they ever did.

    Ireland dont just look as well oiled right now as they did earlier in the year but I have no doubt that after the two warm ups against Georgia and Namibia they'll be raring to go. If you saw the documentary "Reaching for Glory" you'd see that when the players want something so bad they'll d**n sure get it (shall we bring up England in Croker?) and if your'e reading the newspapers every single player believes that we can do it.

    With all this said,a key player like O'Gara or BOD gets injured and..........., but hopefully they'll stay injury free

    Hope this helped

  2. It's the uniforms. The white pants suck !

    Should have green pants - call yourselves the all greens.

    Then I reckon you'd start kicking some bums.

  3. i dont know. we always tend to bottle it. o garas try was not a try, it was knocked on AND from what i saw it didnt look like he grounded it.. i think italy deserved the game tonight, they were a much better team. and also.. how come that even when we have such big names, and big people in our pack. we still dont have the power in scrums?? we have o callaghan, horan, o connel, rory best, easterby, neil best, malcolm o kelly? simon best? yet still we were overpowered in every scrum! makes you think.. and damien.. we dont call ourselves the all greens..!

  4. Its the start of the season, no team is going to break out of the blocks imediately, This happens every year Ireland just have to find a bit of composure. Also we are luring France & Argentina into a flase sense of security,lol.

    Sure O'Driscoll is a big loss, it would be the same as South Africa without Habana, he is a talisman. Without him Ireland will struggle no doubt about that but it is still possible to put up a good fight. I would be more worried if anything was to happen to O'Gara, in that case we wouldnt stand a hope. He is crucial to Irelands attempt at the World cup.

    Our first two games are a walk over, Namibia & Georgia, Eddie o'Sullivan can do what he wants there. You could play Marcus Horan at 1st centre and still win by a landslide, but we need to find form against france and no matter what the score, win lose or draw, they need to keep the head against argentina.

  5. Ireland peaked too early. The classy rugby played during the 6 Nations doesn't seem to have been maintained. Not only that but depth looks to be a huge problem, as O'Driscoll and O'Gara could be taken out leaving a terrible gap. It will be interesting to see how Ireland performs against Argentina and France. Personally I don't see Ireland leaving their group. Ireland vs Argentina will be the match to watch, with a lot of history between the sides in the World Cup. France, it seems, will be dominant, perhaps going to final.

  6. Surprise packages? I'm not sure if a team ranked #6 (#5 a fortnight ago) in the first tier of official world rankings is capable of being a surprise package. Regarding the ROG try against Italy, the ball only went forward after hitting his foot/leg, and only hit the ground after that [I think], so maybe that meant it wasn't illegal [I don't know]. We played well against France in the 6 Nations without O'Driscoll so it isn't just down to him. We don't need a good performance in 14 days anyway. We have 4 weeks before we play a tier 1 team and need a good performance. However, Ireland has been rubbish lately - I dunno what's up with that :(

  7. Ireland is on a down. They were on their peak a year ago, Munster won the Heineken Cup and they beat Australia and South africa in November Tests. I was so dissapointed they didn't win the grand slam later in the 6 nations. I think the last game of Munster at Thormond Park when Leicester beat them was a turning point. Thay never lost a Hein eken Cup match there and they just couldn't come up with something special. I think it is just a changing of generations. New players need to step up. Although I'm not sure when will they have such an opportunity to win Grand Slam again! :(

    Don't ive them much chance in the WC, with or without BOD who I rate high as a player but he is a bit too nervous. I always supported Ireland but lately they started to act unsportingly which is sad to see.

  8. The Italians are a very tough team.  In ten to five years time they will be the new France, tough forwards and a classy back line.  I think Ireland had an off night.  Look for them to be one of the surprise packages come the Rugby World Cup.

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