
What's in a point?

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What's in a point?




  1. Mathematically understood as minimum existent.

    Philosophically understood as a juncture of two nonparallel vectors of reasoning.  At that crossing or juncture, the rationale or ratio is identical, tautological.

    To "take someone's point" is to subscribe to the near-conclusion of universal validity "at that point."  However, the initial conditions, or data-points, and the final conditions, are outside the point, and point to the point (pardon the pun).

    Hence, other sets of data, and other final conditions, proceding as it were upon other lines which cross the first vector or line of reasoning, may make the same point or generalization of conditional universal validity.

    The two (or more) lines (of reasoning or hypothesizing) are assayed by three operations:  prediction; explanation; and testing.

    Given Popper's notion of nonfinal conclusions, the two or more lines of reasoning are evaluated by various attempts at falsification.

    Hence the "taking of a point" in no way implies the accepting of the line of reasoning, nor the acceptance of the point as absolutely proven.

    "A Philosophy of Universality," O. M. Aivanhov.

  2. Mathematically a spatial point describes a specific point within a given space that consists of neither volume, area, length, nor any other higher dimensional analogue. Thus, a point is a 0-dimensional object. so nothing can be in a point. and if u mean philosophically then thats totally subjective!

  3. A sentence, an action, five words, objective, etc.

  4. atoms and energy, or thoughts and ideas that seem to hold a reason or proposition to help one win or state an opinion in a discussion.

    i am not sure which definition you wanted, but i answered it to the best of my ability.


  5. Sit on one and you'll find out.

  6. everything .....

  7. The bane of relativity as the leading cause of conflicts that arise as consequences of quantum mechanics and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

  8. the thrill, the effort, the focus,the attention, the smile the led.

  9. not much depends where you put it? Love ya P

  10. the dot on an i

    the end of a sentence

    a speck on a paper

    a nail on a finger

    a nose on certain dogs (so in that point . . . hmmmm)

    what is the point of caring or wondering?  hehe

  11. a point is infinitesimal in size, but limitless in its possibilities.  A point can be a part of any number of lines, planes, and forms. A point can be a marker, our anchor in space and time. A point is nothing, but it opens our minds to the infinite.
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