
What's likely to happen???

by  |  earlier

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To make a long story short, I met a guy. Then he realized I was aware of his involvement in something illegal.

After that, he stopped contacting me.

Wondering if he'll ever end up in prison or what will happen to him. Does the law usually catch up with most criminals?




  1. That depends on the crime, as clearance rates vary. Crimes against persons have a higher clearance rate, property crimes are about 20% nationwide. Crimes of passion have the highest clearance rate, as it is easier to develop a suspect.

    Personal drug use has a lower clearance rate, as there is usually no victim to initiate an investigation.

  2. Yes the law does, but mostly after the big fishes not the petty ones !

  3. Realistically, depending on the crime, only about half of them are ever reported to police, and only a portion of those are solved with an arrest. Without knowing what crime it was, I can't say for sure, but for thefts, if it's been a few weeks, chances are he won't be caught.

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