
What's more logical?

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The world governments telling us that a planet is due to enter our solar system in the next few years that will cause pole shifts and world wide destruction. And there is nothing we can do to stop it.


The world governments hiding the fact that a planet is due to enter our solar system in the next few years that will cause pole shifts and world wide destruction. And there is nothing we can do to stop it.




  1. Neither is logical because there is no such planet.

  2. Neither. The governments won't have to tell us, because they can't hide it. A planet cannot just creep up on us. Governments don't run telescopes. Governments don't control amateur astronomers. Governments can't stop people looking at the sky and making their own observations. Do you know how many astronomical objects have been discovered by amateur astronomers?

    A planet cannot be hidden. End of story.

  3. both are illogical.  planets composed the solar system.  and it's impossible for a planet to enter another planet.

  4. OR there is no such frakking planet and everyone would be far better off to just forget about it.

  5. none of the above

    read Nemesis by Isaac Asimov

    same theme

  6. The world's governments telling us.  There would be so many astronomers involved in checking it out, and making sure of all the facts that it would be pointless for anyone to deny it.  It isn't that the secret would leak out.  It just wouldn't ever be a secret.

    I suspect that in that eventuality, a very large moon base would be built very quickly, then populated from a very wide gene pool.  Since there would be no real reason to conserve our resources, and no real concern for health & safety issues, things would really speed up.  The greatest danger would be the nuclear weapons of smaller nations, who could decide that they have nothing to lose by wiping out their enemies a few months before earths destruction.

    But mostly, common sense would reign and people would help each other, for the sake of the few possible survivors.

    The governments might think it wiser to rephrase "And there is nothing we can do to stop it" as "Our finest scientific minds are working on the most efficient way to stop it"

  7. Which one is more logical is irrelevant.  What counts is which one is right.  This is an unusual case in that *neither* of these is correct.

  8. Define "More logical".  Once you've done that, perhaps you'll have gained enough wisdom not to use the phrase anymore.

    Compare the following:

    Case A.

    1+1 = 3; 3 - 1 = 2 ; 2 - 3 = 1

    Case B

    1 ÷ 0 = 0

    Which is "more logical" lol.

  9. I will choose the third option. Someone don't understand enough calculus to understand what is going to happen, dont understand enough geometry to have the slightest idea about the shape of reality, and think that planets can easily collide with one another just like boom-boom cars.

  10. eh i think the second one...they wouldn't want to start a world wide "riot". They might tell us as it gets closer to the date that the planet will enter.

  11. It would be more logical to assume neither is true until there is some evidence for it.

  12. hiding the fact

  13. I wouldn't tell anyone because people are retards and would act like fools.

  14. Neither is logical. You are forgetting that governments are not the conduit for astronomical information. If such a thing were to happen, it would become general knowledge through professional and amateur astronomers tracking the object, and the role of government would be to attempt to deal with the ensuing panic. Also, a rogue planet could cause all sorts of havoc, but a "pole shift" is not a realistic problem. Any contact that would do that would leave the surface of Earth a molten mess, so "pole shift" would be the least of our worries.

  15. i think that the first choice is more logical... why would the government want to hide anything from it's citizens ? after all, their lives as well as the lives of their families are also involved!!! they would definitely tell us the truth, and who knows, may be, someone somewhere will come up with a solution to save the world and it's people!!! you never know!!!

  16. Neither.  It's a logical impossibility.  If an object enters our solar system, it can't by definition be a planet.


  17. World governements are equiped to do neither.  There a millions of ameteur astronomers, looking up that the night sky every night.  If such an object exists, it will be spotted.  Further, if there is a search for such objects, funded by the government (there is), they'd want confirmation.  Oh, they'd want to use the millions of ameteurs.  But to do that, they'd have to tell the ameteurs where to look.  This is already done routinely.
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