I am originally from Canada but, I have been in the United States for 8 years. My Fiance is Mexican, we have a child together. She is like 3 months old now. She was of course born in the USA. If I wanna go back to Canada , if me and my fiance got married here would the accept him into canada? Or does he need a passport? Because in the Mexican Consulate the people said no for going into Canada in car. My mom had a friend and his daughter is a Truck-Driver. She travel across the border all the time into Canada. She said that the Border is full of armed men that will send you back to you country since 911. They are trying to look out for terrorists. But would they accept him if he's married to me since I'm a canadian Citizen? And would my daughter need a American Passport? Someone told us NO! I wouldn't think she'd need one unless she was on a airplane. She shouldn't have to have one cause she's a baby. We'd only need her Birth Certificate and social Security #? And it would be ok ?