
What's organic Tobacco?

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How is organic tobacco any safer than other. All the chemicals in tobacco is it from the smoke or is it added in it by big tobacco companies.?

Doesn't tobacco have more nicotine in it when not fermented.




  1. I went to an organic farm for two weeks and volunteered there. While I was there, several of the other volunteers smoked "organic" tobacco (they were, of course, all into organic stuff). They stated that since it was organic, and the "big companies" didn't put anything into it, there was nothing wrong with smoking it.

    Of course, that doesn't mean that as a 15 year old I was going to go and fill my lungs with it, but that's what they said. ... Take it as you shall?

  2. Tobacco in and of itself is not as bad as the whole cigarette. Sure, you are inhaling things into your lungs which is bad, and nicotine is bad, but there are far worse things in a cigarette than in tobacco alone (flavoring elements, preservatives, etc).

    Organic tobacco is just tobacco grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides.

    Tobacco naturally has nicotine, but the tobacco curing process adds chemicals, like flavorings and preservatives.

    I don't think organic tobacco would be any better for you unless the actual curing process is what makes the difference. Unless that tobacco claims to be free of preservatives, its about the same. Besides...tobacco is bad for you anyways.

    The nicotine content is about the same in Tobacco before and after curing. You can chew on a tobacco leaf and get the nicotine, but it will taste like a plant. The curing process is what creates that distinct tobacco flavor, color, and smell.

    So: chemicals in the CIGARETTE/CIGAR (aside from nicotine) are added during the curing process. Tobacco companies do not add preservatives because they are buying the already cured tobacco from the tobacco farmer. The smoking process also creates new compounds and chemicals, which form into tar. Nicotine is the major chemical that comes from Tobacco. Most everything else has been added during curing/processing or created during smoking.

    The lowdown on organic tobacco: save your money and buy a high quality cigar with honduran or cuban tobacco (best quality in tobacco)

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