
What's the best hd format?

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Between DLP, Plasma, and LCD




  1. I've heard eveyone been screaming about how good LCD is.

    I've got a Sony plasma, and I call it my s*x tube, the pictures fantastic. I think, as a whole, LCD's might be a little bit cheaper than the other two though.

  2. factors..

    plasma has glare due to the glossy screen..  

    lcd's picture smears in high motion pictures..

    DLP just suck.. 1080 is nothing compared to the plasma or lcds.

    i have 2 plasmas and my neighbor has a lcd...

  3. Right now, LCD.  Plasma's on it's way out and doesn't have the color fidelity of the others.

    DLP is great, particularly the 3-LED version, and it's inexpensive, but it's still a projection system so it's going to take up more room and have a limited viewing angle.

    Personally, I'm looking for a good DLP anyway because my entertainment center has plenty of room, so I don't care how thin the set is.

  4. Plasma are the best currently, but will only last you around 5 years. LCDs are the growing trend with improving video quality and last a very long time (much much more than Plasmas). I suggest you pick LCD.

  5. LCD is brighter and less power consuming and less expensive.  Plasma is the technical best in terms of quality but is very power consuming and very expensive.  Idk bout Dlp.  Worry more about the brand than the type.  You should only buy an hdtv from Sony, Pioneer, or Samsung bc they simply make the best looking hdtvs

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