
What's the deal with GPAs?

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I would like to go to some great university such as UCLA or Pepperdine. The thing I am a senior in high school and so far I only have a 3.3 and guessing that at the end of the year I might have a 3.5. I know it is not so great if I want to go to those places so I am going to community college first. The thing is, I wanted to know if they take a combination of your high school and community college gpa to determine if they will take you. Or, do they just use your community college grades and important test grades? I would appreciate any input even if you just have a generalized answer. Thank you.




  1. They will look at your GPA as only part of the equation, SAT's as well. They will look at your GPA in CC should weigh more since the classes would be higher.

  2. What I suggest you do is go to the Community college first...

    they dont combind your grades, but it is not that hard to make A's at a CC (i do it and im still in high school)

    then, after your first or second year, you can submit those grades to any college you want, and you will more than likely get in.  

    I know this because that is what my aunt did, and what a couple people i know did.  They wanted to get into UF, so they went to a CC and got all A's, and they made it.  They said it was actually pretty easy, and if you are making 3.5s it will be a piece of cake for you! :)

  3. they'll look at both, but a 4.00 at a community college won't help as much as you hope. it would probably be better to go to a mid-level college for undergrad and then go to a UCLA type for graduate school.

  4. get involved and do really good on your SAT/ACT

    if you dont do good on 1 of those dont bother applying to UCLA

  5. LIES! The Universities only look at your community college scores & they do NOT look at your high school scores.  (besides the SATs)

  6. That GPA should get you into either of those universities if you SAT or ACT scores are in the 80% or above. If they are not then retake the tests and get then that high and you will get in. that is unless you want to go to community college. If you do then you can try and get admitted based on those grades alone but you may have to take up to 30 hours before those universities allow you to transfer and then there are the problems of financial aid, student loans, and transferability of credit hours. But the College will treat you as a transfer student and not look at your high school grades any more. They may however make you test out in math and english to enroll.

    Good Luck.

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