
What's the purpose of eyebrows?

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  1. No one wants to look like this:


  2. 1. To stop dust particles from falling into your eyes

    2.Also used to express emotions !

  3. so you can raise your eyebrows when someone says something daft like "what is the purpose of eyebrows"

  4. To stop dirt etc falling into your eyes.

    Or, to distract caterpillars :)

  5. God gave Adam eyebrows when he cast him and his main squeeze Eve out of the garden saying "You shall earn your daily bread by the sweat of your brow".  God was mad but he did not want Adam to go blind.  The snake got off easy, since it had no legs to begin with.  It keeps sweat from running into your eyes.  

  6. to make people will look good and so that sweat wont go directly to the eyes

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