
What's the reintroduction program?

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i'm not sure but i think it helps endangered animals?




  1. Yes, it does help endangered or threatened animals.  It's when a species is brought back to an area that it was originally extirpated (or nearly wiped out) from.  The process usually entails gradually allowing the species to adjust to the new area then once it's ready, it is left to go on it's own.  Once it's on it's own, it will continue to be monitored through radio collars and tags to make sure it's adjusting well.  Hope this helps!

  2. In Canada there is Wood Buffalo National Park in Alberta were the over abundant elk are trapped and transported to areas in Ontario were there was a natural elk herd.In some cases IE wild turkeys adults are in captivity and breed the young are raised with as little human contact as possible and when old enough are released into the wild to start a flock of there own and the adults are kept for breeding stock.Fish farms the adults are raised for the spawn and the eggs are fertilized in the holding tanks and raised to a point that they are big enough to elude predation also in the rearing tanks there is a higher fertilization rate for the eggs than in the wild,the fry {baby fish} are then released into the same waterway or into a new one to reintroduce the species to that body of water.

  3. it is when an animal that has been forced or taken from its enviornment, is taught the skills it needs to survive on in the wild and is reintroduced to it's natural enviornment.

  4. Reintroduction programs are to help put species back where they used to be.  In other words, trying to restore nature to what it was like at some point in history.  Generally, species are extripated due to humans, and we have decided to try to put them back.  In some cases this is as easy as dropping fish in a stream.  In other cases it takes monumental efforts to restore habitat, captive breeding programs and training in life skills.  Reintroduced animals are not always endangered, but they often are to justify costs.  Sometimes, however, they are reintroduced because they are thought to perform some service to the ecosystem (for example, wolves helped apsen stands in yellowstone).  One interesting idea has been to introduce elephants and some of Africas other megafauna to North America to replace mammoths and the large mammals that we lost at the end of the last ice age (possible due to overhunting by pehistoric man).

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