
What's this about gagging?

by  |  earlier

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lately I've been randomly gagging, like I'm about to puke, but I don't.

I haven't really been monitoring when I do it.

but today, I woke up at 7 and 2 hours later I kept gagging, I ate a piece of peanut butter toast. then I was fine, and about 3 hours later I kept doing it again.

it's only been lasting about 2 or 3 days though.

I have no idea what's going on, but it hurts a little and I'm afraid I'll do it in front of someone and them get like weirded out.

has anyone had this problem before?




  1. i think thats happened to me before, but it wasnt very random

    i think your body is trying to throw up even tho theres nothing there to throw up

    go to a doctor immediately

  2. Are you feeling dizzy when it happens?  You may need to get checked for an ear infection.  The fluid in your ears is usually what makes you feel dizzy and gag.  good luck

  3. there might be some food that stuck somewhere near that punchbag thing in your mouth

    i felt like gagging before too just like how you did. all i had to do was drink more water and the food that stuck can flow down to your stomach.

  4. morning sickness? sinuses? muscle reflex? could be alot of different things

  5. Post nasal drip will cause you to gag. Try an over the counter allergy medication.

  6. Swollen tonsils maybe. Are there any other symptoms?

  7. You could have a pos nasal drip (i hik it has the word post in it) But anyway your sinuses and nasal is dripping causing you to gag

    so that mightt be your answer

    I hope i helped!!

  8. Well you may be pregnant so get that checked out.

  9. wow i've never heard about random gagging but the first thing that came to my mind was "are you pregnant?"

  10. See, I have a similar yet different problem like that. My gag reflex is AWFUL in the morning. When I go to brush my tongue, I always almost puke. When I go to eat breakfast, I gag and get sick at the thought of food. Any other time of the day I never gag and can do all sorts of things, like brush my tongue hehe, and it doesnt phase me. Maybe you just have a sensitive gag reflex to certain things or at certain times. Its possible

  11. nope that has never happened to me...but it does sound quite unfortunate for you...perhaps you should consult a doctor about this problem as it could be a sign of something more the mean time have you tried to suck on a cough drop or candy to combat the problem?

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