
What's up with Varitek?

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Is he just having a bad season all together? Or is he just losing it? He was a lot better i previous years (obviously) but I honestly can't remember the last time he got on base with a hit. I think last week or so was the first time in like a month. Do you think the sox will keep him next year? I mean Cash is becoming a decent catcher, he can pick off runners pretty good, better than Tek, and he is young.




  1. Its a bad seasson god you people.  everyone has one look at derek jeter on the yankees.

    He not having his best year now.  Does that mean he lossing it NO

    tek has been hitting more and more. you way to late to complain aboutr tek.

  2. A little of both. He has always stated he works on knowing opposing hitters and calling the game the most and hitting is a far second. He used to be able to hit on pure skill but his hitting has deteriorated through the years from not working on it enough. I think he will stay in Boston, but unfortunately never hit over .250 again.

  3. Catchers generally tend to decline at Tek's age so this isn't very surprising to me (although maybe I didn't expect it to be this bad).

    The Sox have to be very careful about how they approach this in the off-season. You know Tek wants to stay here and play, but management doesn't want to put a lot of money into a .220 hitter, even if he is great with the pitching staff. Its a very thin line between a reasonable and insulting contract offer. But you also can bet that Tek is the first one to tell you he doesn't deserve a ton of money after this season's performance.

  4. Every pitcher he catches says he's the best pitch caller they have ever thrown too.  He's getting older, his numbers are starting to slip.  The bottom line is, the Sox don't keep him there for his bat, its for his play calling and his tenacity (remember the Arod incident).  They will resign him.  On top of that, with their lineup, they don't have to rely on him from production, they are pretty solid top to bottom.

  5. You try catching 140 games a year for as long as he has and see how you feel?  He's tired and needs to be moved to another position.  He can't keep catching as much as he has.  He's having a down year but I think he still has some good years in front of him.

  6. no one can call a game like tek does....true he was in a real bad slump, but has been hitting more of late, dont count him out yet!

  7. He's just getting old man. Catchers don't last very long in this league.

  8. Hes older. Catchers get hurt more and its a very tough position. I love Varitek but hes getting older and I can't see anymore good seasons out of this guy.

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