
What's up with racism?

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God I'm so tired of it....maybe I'm tired Youtube's comments....




  1. Black people are dumb in general.

  2. Everythings up with racism...! There's No need for it (Apart from packistanies And Polish) But Apart from that there should be no rasicm! =(

  3. Me too its ridiculous that people are still being judged by skin color. If it wasnt for that though it would be weight,eye color,marital status or some other bs reason.....

  4. yea is really not cool i play cs and there always saying racist stuff

  5. People, regardless of skin tone, ethnicity etc..are people. Some people cant just accept someone different because they are a different skin tone. I was born and raised in Jamaica and we are very well mixed, asain, white, black you name it, its all in there. Our motto is "Out of Many One People" which explains alot.

    Coming up to America however, I saw that all this changed. A bredrin from Trini and I from Jamaica of course, were made fun of because we were a different color. Some people are blinded by their own ignorance and see their own race superior over other people. If humanity is to thrive and prosper, this has to stop. People are people regardless of color. I am a mixed Jamaican with alot of ethnical backgrounds, primarily black.

  6. Today's racism is a byproduct of past ignorance. People that were of different skin color or cultures, that were not considered or viewed as the same, similar, or equal to or as deserving as the "discovering" cultures, were accepted as vulgar or insidious. Here, on this very page, there are responses that refers only to black people. But your question refers to racism as a whole... not as a specific color of certain type of people. Those people expressed a racist view without obvious and in depth consideration of your question. THAT is what is up with racism... if it is allowed to flourish.

  7. yeah... definitely? there will probably always be racism. it won't go away until everyone starts acting right. aka never.

  8. Black people are dumb in general
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